I am surprised nobody has tried to portray a post apocalyptic HOA/Co-op board meeting for comedic purposes.
Not The Nine O’Clock News (or possibly Smith & Jones) did a “council meeting in a fallout shelter” sort of sketch, but I can’t find a clip of it.
Well, damn, I think I have 1 or 2 spent Beowulf cartridges in the basement, maybe th-- Hey wait, DON’T EAT ME !
Preppers are funny folks, they think civilization will collapse as bad as it did in the Bronze Age Collapse but honestly I don’t think that’s likely. If anything, some medium sized cities and well positioned big cities might become the centers of power again due to our current technology (industrial). It’s hard to imagine the kind of collapse these idiots are preparing for but if it’s as bad as the total loss of urban environments then you might as well euthanize yourself and not suffer the hell to come.
I think they think it will look like the Walking Dead or whatever Zombie movie/show is popular. they all think they are Darryl and Michonne… they are more likely the people who did not make it past season 2 or whatever…
You must watch one of the episodes of Doomsday Preppers sometime. Quite a study
I think there is a clear distinction between the Doomsday folks and disaster prep, so get on with your bad self
I’m thinking more Leslie Arzt from Lost. A man who gave the ultimate demonstration about the dangers of handling old dynamite.
I for one look forward to the fireworks when (not if) one of his clients (you know there are people gullible enough to think this is a good deal) figures out he’s being conned (because of course it’s a con) and brings a Second Amendment solution to bear on a ranch full of preppers.
And of course they’re relying on the Soshulist Gubmint to preserve those hunting grounds for them.
Because stockpiling silver worked so well for the Hunt brothers, amirite? I think I see why your Econ teacher lost his job at the bank.
These people are conned on such a regular basis, that it would probably take an outsider relative to draw attention to the grift here.
I’m guessing whoever thought up that part of the pitch has never done physical labor in a high stress grief or disaster situation. Some basic drudge work can bring relief, but you aren’t in any condition to build things like well thought out, effective walls. Impromptu fortifications are hard enough with just the stress of a riot, I have to imagine they aren’t any easier with all of the same challenges, but also the near certain death of large numbers of people you knew and loved.
I think I came away from that site disagreeing with parts, but not wanting to dismiss them completely.
I think it is mostly economic issues, I felt that they want to reform capitalism while I think that capitalism will inevitably result in inequality and a repeat of the same problems we have now (I have spent too many days thinking about this while being ill and stuck in bed). I eventually ended up coming to the same conclusions that Murray Bookchin came to years earlier.
My point is can we do this, and more? I think we can. I aim for a decentralised solar punk future with mutual aid.
There was a show kind of like that, called The Colony. I forget which cable channel it was on. It tried really hard but ended up being quite cheesy because the level of suspension of disbelief required to imagine that they weren’t clearly in a vacant lot on the middle of LA was too high. They tried to simulate raiders and all this other stuff from the outside, but everyone was clearly acting and the end result was sort of high school theater-y
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