Drinking milk while black: Student arrested for larceny over 65-cent milk which was actually free

At my daughter’s school, the campus officer was also groping female students. After a few years of complaints about this, he was finally REASSIGNED.


Perhaps instead of “milk” it should read “black teens drinking milk that belongs to them”

I wish the community could tar and feather the principal, officer, and anyone with authority who let this unfold without injecting common sense, and run them right out of town. If this incident isn’t community pitchfork posse time, I don’t know what is. That kid getting a criminal record for DOING NOTHING WRONG is an incredible injustice. Stuff like this just makes it hard to even want to get out of couch in the morning.


Agreed, but good luck getting white parents involved. After all, it happened to one of “them,” dontcha know. Those ones who “probably deserve” extra scrutiny from cops.


And it’s getting super fucking old hearing police representatives and spokespeople whine about police not being respected. They want respect? Earn it!!! Be community servants! Stop being an armed gang shaking down, victimizing, and brutalizing people of color and poor people.

Where is the police outcry about this incident? Where is ONE high profile LEO official condemning this incident, or any of the other recent murdered black kids? Not only will they not condemn this behavior, they often say that THEY are the victims!!! If you skim police social networking groups, you would think they are the most persecuted (and likely to be shot in the face anytime in the next 5 minutes) group in recorded history. A few bad apples? Yeah, sorry, no. An institutionalized professional culture of verbal/mental/physical abuse, paranoia, cowardice, gratuitous violence, sexual abuse, self worship, and unchecked aggression.



Isn’t it high time that someone high ranking in the police went out and

  1. Admitted there is a problem with racism, and racist violence in particular, in the police force
  2. Explained what they are gonna do to address it

Or did it happen, and I just went and missed it?


I totally agree with that. I think there should be room for being a normal human is this regard being without getting in trouble with the law. I’ve considered under what circumstances I’d just lay on the ground spread-eagled to avoid touching a cop, and it’s not out of the question.

Thanks for that article, always good to have (sad) evidence like that.

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Some evidence for the latter…but not so much that you missed it, but that it gets brutally and systematically covered up whenever there is an attempt…



Some pants-wetting authoritarian boot-licker in Congress introduced a bill to add “police officer” to the class of protected citizens under hate crimes legislation. Because in some distorted version of the universe as seen by far too many “conservatives”, there’s a War on Cops in the US, rather than the other way around. 42 cops were shot and killed in the line of duty last year, fewer than in 2014. That pales in comparison to the 1207 US citizens (confirmed by media reports) who were shot and killed by police in 2015. May isn’t over and they’re on track for matching last years confirmed kills (456 as of this morning).


The last drill at my daughter’s high school, she was literally walking out the door to go to a class at another school nearby and a teacher made her COME BACK INTO the school and sit through the whole lockdown (which meant she missed half of the class). In a real situation, that could have made the difference between life and death for my kid.


Fake or real, there’s no leaving a locked room or using a bathroom. For drills, this seems to be the hardest part for teenagers. I’ve had a lot of lawsuit threats by teens. :laughing:


Yeah, but she was actually outside and brought back into the school. That’s the sort of not-thinking that’s more dangerous in a real situation.

It’s a small everyday example of what happened in the Twin Towers on 9/11: there were companies that told their employees to stay put. That was the worst thing they could do.


I don’t know which is worse here: that it took years of complaints or that he was reassigned to another place. I hope at least he wasn’t sent to another school.


Yeah, it’s inconvenient. If she’s outside, the nearest classroom takes her in. The majority of schools out here have perimeter fencing, so the students have no safe place to go. As long as her feet are planted on school property, she must comply with the lock down. I know it sounds crazy and they do this with the adults, too. I was making copies in the office during the last drill (prep period), just a few feet from the front entrance. I really wanted to go to my car and avoid the crouching, etc. They wouldn’t let me leave prior to the drill because of accountability. Any other time, no problem.

I am not and have never been in law enforcement, but my current job has areas that overlap those of the police, especially in observing and predicting behavior. Most people who are doing something that they know others will see as wrong have at least entertained the concept of being caught in the back of their mind. So if someone has just shoplifted or planted a bomb, and you grab them from behind or yell “stop!”, the first thing that flashes through their mind is that they have been caught. They assume it is about what they just did. When someone has done nothing wrong, they are just as likely to assume that a crazy person is accosting them, at least until they have had time to process the fact that it is a person in an official capacity. Those moments of confusion are dangerous to both people involved. Pulling away when being grabbed is a completely normal response for an innocent person.


My theory is the cops are terrified that marijuana is being legalized. Their bread-and-butter busts were stoners, who were easy and never put up a fight. So now they’re trolling for a replacement, and black schoolchildren are just the ticket.


You know, the standard cop thing.

The article really needs to have the cop’s name. It is a matter of public interest, and it should be the first thing that comes up anytime someone googles him, at least, even if that’s a poor substitute for summarily firing his sorry ass.