Driver goes berserk when another driver won't let him merge

It’s become… weirder where I live (PG County). They’re building the Purple Line on the way to my daughter’s school, so they have one side of the highway down to one lane. Since then, I keep seeing cars stuck in the median, where the driver ran their vehicle out of that lane (I’m not sure why, but I’m going to guess to avoid hitting whoever was in front of them). On one trip I saw no less than 3 cars stuck in the median. The weird part is that, as often as not, they leave the transmission in gear or in drive, and the (now elevated) wheels are still spinning in the air – even after they’ve gotten out of the car to call someone for help.

I pissed off the wrong person one afternoon, heading in the other direction along that same route. I followed her too closely to get out of the way of an intersection. Guess she thought I was tailgating just to fuck with her, but she slammed on the brakes, pulled over, gave me the finger as I went past. When she caught up again in the turn lane, she was yelling at me and taking a video with her phone (while still driving). Presumably the video’s somewhere on YouTube, and/or on the pile of unsolved cases at PGPD.