Dude who plays flame-throwing guitar in Mad Max is a very cool dude

There math and then everything else is open for discussion. The haters are the people who think otherwise… like yourself/

You’ve got a real bee in your bonnet that people don’t care for your taste, don’t you?

So you didn’t like the movie? Whatever. Most people did. Move on with life, hater.

Still trying to figure out why this is a bad thing.

It’s not a bad thing in and of itself. When done right it can be great. I suppose the problem is that for some people it jumps out at them and becomes hard to ignore. When it becomes part of the story and adds to the ambiance it can be an important part of the movie. Oh Brother was a great example of this. But unless carefully and intentionally employed It can remove the suspension of disbelief which is kinda important with this type of story. From the article you linked it seems like it was primarily used to cover less than ideal shots and situations where the lighting wasn’t right. Maybe that’s what I’m seeing. I really have no idea why it distracts some people.
It seems most people either don’t notice it or it doesn’t bother them. It’s hard to say.

The fact you thought it was used great in Oh Brother but not in Fury Road just confuses me.

Do you find yourself often going to films to look for things that bother you? To me the augmented reality shown in MMFR helped the viewer suspend disbelief (which really when you think too hard about the entire world of Max disbelief is all you can come up with)

In Oh Brother it was a part of the story. Its use was thoughtful and intentional and provided an ambiance which evoked a specific period instead of being used as a cover up.

No, but I can’t ignore when it happens either. But that’s on me and not on the people who made those choices right? When you see tomatoes tossed in Braveheart, it’s the viewers fault for knowing they didn’t make it to Europe for another 200 years and we shouldn’t notice those wrist watches during the battle scenes either. Noticing them must mean I hate the movie right? After all, who can expect the filmmakers be responsible for the product of their efforts and how can a moviegoer notice and dislike those elements without hating the film? Noticing problems must equate to hating right? Thinking an effect was overused has to be a commentary on the entire film.

The movie and indeed the entire series is a good time. I’m not coming up with a reason to not like the movie. I’m commenting on the effect the use of digital color manipulation had on me as a viewer. Its like pointing out that the new Apple iDevice has a flaw. Once you do, Apple fanboys will rush in and call you a hater for noticing something you don’t like about their much loved thing. Frankly, it’s predictable and boring.

That is the thing. You are making a conscious effort to apply a dislike to the film and stating it is bad by letting yourself be bothered by these things. At least you are admitting that it is on you. I suggest you apply the Hodgson Dogma to any future enjoyment “Repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax”

The fact that there is this continuous noise from ‘haters’ wanting to have their voice heard above the din so all they can do is spew nastiness is what is predictable and boring.

(Historical inaccuracies are something that should be considered and faulted upon, especially when creating a “based on real life” film but that is a terribly weak comparison when looking at a stylistic choice applied to a film in a world that is 100% fantasy. Tomatoes and watches aside, those are hardly the worst offenders in that movie. You want to know pain? I no longer will go with my mother to see any period piece lest I be ready for a multi-hour diatribe on how wrong the shoes were)

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Man, don’t I know it. You made a conscious effort to call me a hater for stating my opinions. You let yourself be bothered by my opinion so much that you decided you needed to have your voice heard above the din to spew your nastiness at me in a predictable and boring manner.
Maybe you should sit back, relax, and reflect on your lack of self awareness and obvious hypocrisy before making it your mission to needle a person.

Please look back at your original comment and try to see exactly how you stated such hatred that has no basis in fact what so ever. You decided to insult a group of artists and their product instead of just keeping that hatred to yourself. Can’t stand the backlash? Don’t open your mouth in the first place.

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Oh wait! You mean I don’t have facts to back up my opinion that it looks horrible? I have no objective measure for a subjective position? NO! Tell me it ain’t so!
Do you really think that the subjective criticism of art is hating and people just need to shut up? Are you running for governor of New Jersey or just forum despot?

If you perhaps wanted to continue in a civilized debate and actually back up your claims of what is so wrong with the fx in the film please do so. But if you are just going to resort to ridiculous claims and insults, then I am done.

Subjective criticism is fine, but what you offered that started this was not it in the least. Critique all you want but your basis can’t just be “I think it is ugly therefore it sucks”

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That’s what you think I’m saying?

Aww shucks sunshine. I just thought I’d not let you calling me a hater for having an opinion other than yours slide.

Yes, that is what I think you are saying since that has been your stance from the start. Apologies if that is not what you meant, but that is not my fault for reading what you wrote.

Your “praise” of the movie and the series came very late into your spewing. Maybe if you had opened with “I loved the movie and the series as a whole but felt the color grading was a bit much and over the top here” instead of just lambasting a single fx and applying it to the whole film none of this would have happened.

Yeah, and also for “rig removal” to paint out safety harnesses and such for the stunts. Practically no movie or TV show with any real budget will be entirely CGI-free anymore. Harry’s Law spent a nontrivial amount of money and effort reducing the bags under Kathy Bates’ eyes with VFX on every single episode.

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That’s awesome. I state my views on color grading and am called a hater for it with zero evidence either way that I hated or liked the film. There was no need to bother with asking my opinion before labeling me and needling my position. After all, you calling me a hater in response to my first post is my fault because I didn’t immediately praise the film. I can see where you are coming from now. I didn’t do what you think I should do and therefore deserve abusive treatment from you. Seems legit.

Unclench a little.


It ain’t. I think it looks good.

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1923: Sound is going to ruin moving pictures!
1939: Color is going to ruin movies! Black and White is the only way to go
1953: TV is ruining us, movies are now in widescreen!
2009: Digital is going to destroy everything, nothing will look as good as film!
2015: Color Grading and cgi is destroying cinema. nothing looks good anymore! everything is fake!

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Mod note: cool it.


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