Echoing Infowars, Trump lies that 'very dishonest' U.S. press are covering up terror attacks

Normal people refer to paint as “paint”, Max.

Not sure what sort of dance you’re performing here but it doesn’t become a “bomb” because you loathe any Muslims you don’t directly work with.


It is a very common tactic to leave out details from the public while an investigation is ongoing.

This is common knowledge, to the point where it’s a plot device on half of the TV shows in the U.S.


My buttons arrived in the mail yesterday!


Some clarification here:

  • He did not carry “paint bombs”. I have no idea what a “paint bomb” is. He had two cans of spray paint.
  • He did not post a pro-ISIS video anywhere. What he posted were several tweets that had messages referring to ISIS.
  • None of his tweets prior to the attack mentioned any specific motive beyond things like “no negotiation, no compromise, relentless war”. Neither before nor since has he said anything about his intent to destroy art.
  • The attacker had been in Paris since late January on a business trip.

Resistance can be a form of strength, but in the case of ignorance it is not.


BREAKING NEWS: Elderly woman from quiet midwestern town visiting her niece sees woman with head scarf at bus stop. Shockingly not reported as invasion of muslins. She had a bag; probably had a bomb in it.


Not to mention throwing open the secret files on UFOs, 9/11, HAARP, Chemtrails, Moon-landing hoax, etc…

The Infowars/moonbat lobby is going to want those.

That is a very good point. Because terrorism is the ultimate “Pay attention to me!” statement. So the idea that downplaying it is somehow in league with them is absurd. And it illustrates a common form of projection where people re-configure their opposition into their particular worst nightmare. “We fear the terrorists so their primary motivation must be attacking us. Anything that detracts from our ability to from our ability to fight them must be part of their plan. So the press must be soft-pedaling stories of their atrocities to keep us from fighting them.” Of course the reality is that for the most part they want to be left alone to return to a world of medieval barbarity. They would be perfectly content to leave us the fuck alone if we didn’t continually tempt their people with a vision of a better world right here on Earth.

The left isn’t immune to that sort of projection. A friend was worried about “them” reinstating the draft. The way that the military is structured now, worrying about that makes about as much sense as worrying about how farmers will bring in their crops after all the horses have been requisitioned by the army.


Yarn bomb!


Can you provide a citation, please?


Interesting line of thought, that. Can we draw any conclusions from the fact that Trump hasn’t yet gone off on one about HAARP, Roswell, Area 51 etc.

I can imagine that he’s not the sort of President who would be able to keep it under his hat after he’d had “the chat” they give everyone who becomes President.


I expect that he’ll busy for a while, learning government and light-switches.

In the end, he won’t release anything because the Illuminati will have bought him off with an invite to Bohemian Grove Big Boys Camp.


Actually FTFY.


I’m surprised that he hasn’t created a cabinet level post for Jones… Perhaps something Orwellian like “Minister of Truth”

I expect that Jones would turn it down due to a misunderstanding of the word secretary. “No way! I’m a guy!”


FFS - the French term for “spray can” is “bombe aerosol”. Or just “bombe”.


Because the reports I had read referred to 'paint bombs", without further explanation of what they were. I see that BBC is now saying paint spray cans, so I will use that term from here forward.Thanks for the info.

No worries, random blogs will take unsourced random tips of terrorist attacks (and let’s not forget the war on Christmas) and then publish them without any verification, filling in these gaping holes in coverage. Then Breitbart can repost to give them the wider exposure they deserve. Take that, CNN!

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“Des bombes de peinture retrouvées dans le sac à dos”