Echoing Infowars, Trump lies that 'very dishonest' U.S. press are covering up terror attacks

Always crop the top of the screenshot.


OK. . . Trump says “not even being reported” and Spicer translates that as “underreported.”

So they provide a list that includes lots of attacks that were reported very extensively, as well as attacks that maybe only had one victim but were also covered by the press (the Boston MA June 2015 attack was one guy with a knife who was shot by police-- the only victim was the perpetrator himself.)

And the list they provided doesn’t even include attacks from within several Muslim-majority countries where the victims are other Muslims, and where the vast majority of terrorist attacks occur.


No problem! Liked that comment now that it expresses a sentiment I agree with.

The problem is that apparently by doing that you* will end up with President Pence instead. Who seems willing to go along with everything his boss tells him, because his ridiculous extremism seems mild by comparison. I mean, he seems to be happy to break a tie on a cabinet appointment. A cabinet appointment! Not a minor amendment to legislation, but a policy maker. Has that ever happened before?

*as a non-US resident, I watch with bemused horror at the daily attempts to make the day before look sane.


Well, one step at a time. And pence, while being a disgusting bigoted piece of flaming shit, seems to have a bit more restraint than that madman. Things will go off the rails if the democrats don’t grow a spine and start sabotaging his administration.

I’m a non US resident myself, and I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have even the mildest of liberal ideals up there. Holy shit.


If the choice is between a flaming bag of shit and just a regular bag of shit, I’ll take the one not on fire.


No Max the point was so that you could use the word “bomb”.

For all your “politeness” your disrespect for others is plain.


I read yesterday somewhere that Kaczyński* is really pissed about the rather harmonic relationship between the US and Russian government

* he has absolutely no public post, but is the grey eminence of the Polish government as boss of the majority party PiS

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Impeach. Pence. Repeat.



Maybe, maybe just naming your bombe peinture after a certain cocktail confuses the issue.


That’s not actually true, but even if it was, what I said is still the case.

No, he can’t because it didn’t happen. Even the supposedly “pro-ISIL” post the guy made shortly before the event is kind of ambiguous and certainly doesn’t show any connection.

Yup, as do many other museums - which is part of why they don’t want you carrying bags in. Crazy people like to deface famous art. The Mona Lisa is behind protective glass because of this.


I was talking about myself… I hope I’m not self indulgently ignorant. Ignorant yes but I don’t covet the state.

I think.

We can do more than one thing at once!

• Don’t cover story X because story Y is the truly important one.

• Don’t push for Trump to be impeached because then we’ll have to deal with Pence.


We already do, this way we won’t have Trump’s charisma to back Pence’s policy.

Plus (napkin math) 43% less racism.


Wooster Collective is great!

You have been replied to. Please board the train of thought the topic discusses at your earliest convenience. Thank for you for riding Boing Boing BBS :blush:


Do you ever have concerns how your use of alternate facts to promote “principled conservatism” comes across to others, Max?


So, getting back on topic… Even knowing that terror attacks don’t happen all that often, I really have to wonder at how small this list of attacks is. Roughly 25 per year, worldwide? And to get to that, they had to pack the list with woundings by unidentified attackers and others by U.S. citizens who don’t appear to have had a direct connection to terrorist groups?

Coupled with all the spelling errors, it looks like a student who’s forgotten their homework until the last minute and decided to pad it as much as possible right before class.

[Edit] And then there’s issues like this, which I fully expected, but I’m surprised to see it this soon…

Australian police have ruled out the possibility her death - which was widely reported by media in the UK and abroad - was the result of a terror attack.


They are playing to the 'murica lo fi audience. It does not matter.