Elderly woman calms violent intruder by giving him graham crackers and peanut butter

You beat me to it.

Wasn’t going to say “weirdest”, but “saddest”…

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the invisible hand of the marketplace has failed us


This woman’s story should go viral
Episode 8 Showtime GIF by Shameless

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a cookie is a good guy with a cookie


87 year old grandma: better at de-escalation than the cops.

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r⁴er de réR44r4EE RR 4r4r

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The power of sweets. If she had fed him Twinkies, that would have been a genuine example of the Twinkie Defense.

(I’m already out the door and down the block.)

:confused: :confused: × :confused: = :confused:

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Ah, droga.

Remember me to never start typing an answer and put the cell phone in the pocket and never checking It again.


… I thought it must be “Graham Crackers are rare” translated into some kind of Portuguese l33tspeak


Great. Now we’ve got a Cthulhu.


I hope I didn’t summon any demons. Things are already so difficult and a supernatural entity would only make it worse.

Honestly I don’t remember replying to your post. I think I was going to reply to a message from my brother and I ended up getting everything mixed up, because I think at that time I should have been doing something or walking down the street.

the lion king shame GIF


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