Elections 2021 and 2022

This angers me for another reason, too. We pay legislators in the US to create and revise laws. In multiple state legislatures and on the federal level, the performance of elected officials keeps getting worse. I really wish some effort would be made to put this into campaign ads that fit right in with GOP messaging about work.

Taxpayers are not getting what they paid for, and haven’t been for years. Members of the GOP state publicly that they’re not going to do their jobs for the most part, instead focusing on preventing anything from getting done. The consequences of this cost us even more. Now, they pick several fascist issues, make a mountain out of a molehill, and look at all of the legislation they’re suddenly attempting to pass. So, it wasn’t that they couldn’t do the job, they just wouldn’t…until they decide to focus on subjects that don’t do a single thing for jobs, the economy, childcare, cost of living, or tax reform.*

If the average worker did something like that they’d be fired. It’s time to fire these pols and bring in folks who understand the value of an honest day’s work in exchange for their pay (followed by an updated version of these):


*Those topics came from a top-ten list of issues in this Gallup poll.