Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

I’m afraid it is, and part of the larger problem with the press both-siderism or news reports being manipulated by far-right supporters. The concerns raised (but never really addressed) by international groups concerned about radio and social media have gotten worse. The number of non-English speaking people who are forced to get their news from a single source has grown since 2016. The forces of misinformation and fascism dominate on the radio and badly-monitored social media channels where consumers have no choice if they want content in their own language.

This is the other part of the press problem. The owners are pushing beliefs over objective facts to sway the public. The increasing prominence of opinion pieces and editorials framed as news is one example. The bias in the amount of coverage they give based on the subject is another*. Anything that challenges the narrative or outcome they want is omitted. This is why so many election articles are presenting predictions as foregone conclusions, based on weak data.

*In a world where the media makes sure TFG dominates headline news, they still complain that they don’t have enough pro-45 staff members to give their outlets much-needed “access” to Dear Leader’s inner circle/plans or a place on his approved state media list. They figure they’re gonna need that last bit to stay in business after doing everything they possibly can to help him win. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: