Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

He’s remaining neutral between New Yorkers and the Terrorists?



He should Run for NYC mayor, not US prez.
On the “a free brainworm in every skull” platform.


Best take on the interview I’ve heard. Pissed at whoever wrote up the transcript writing out every dropped “g” and colloquialism like it’s Grapes of Wrath, but i think Biden did what he needed to. :crossed_fingers:


At CNN right now:

Dear CNN,

barack obama middle finger GIF


Some time ago I watched a journalist talking on NPR (it was actually a good interview). The subject was how journalism could improve to be better understood so as to earn trust back from the public.

The whole conversation had me feeling tense, the detached way the experts only considered and discussed the ramifications of, say, whether people should “know to read” a particular word in a particular place… as if the problem was solvable with considerate alignment with best font practices all the while ignoring that the people who will be hiring them will not be so worried about maintaining the distinction.

How to win trust back? I dunno… stop fucking lying? De-platform liars? Stop participating in the active destruction of the country we all live in for a minute? Quit your jobs? Make a union? Form a PAC and campaign for better journalism? Or, yeah, I guess you could change the font to be bigger on the byline.


Speaking of this, did you catch the Brooks and Atkins Stohr clip on the Newshour last night…

I started off cringing since the anchor started on Biden, but she also addressed the fascist elephant in the room and said things that needed to be said. Brooks kept trying to bring it back to Biden… I have to say, I like Capehart, but Atkins Stohr kicked ass here… maybe she needs to take over permanently. Between the two women, old Brooks seemed a bit out of his depth!


Brooksy should release his own medical records, the shitstain! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I did not, but NPR did hit the nail on the head here:

6. This whole episode shows the stark difference between the Democratic and Republican parties.
That Democrats have raised as many questions as they have about Biden’s viability shows a huge difference between the major parties.
One party, the GOP, doesn’t seem to care if two dozen women have accused their nominee of sexual assault, don’t care if he ran a fraudulent foundation and a sham “university,” don’t care if he paid off a porn star, don’t care if he lies repeatedly, and don’t care if he was impeached twice or was convicted on almost three dozen felony counts.
The Democratic Party, on the other hand, is concerned about… Biden’s age, not his character or priorities for the country.
It’s something that has irked people, like John Fetterman, the brusque Pennsylvania senator.
“Democrats need to get a spine or grow a set—one or the other,” he wrote on X. “Joe Biden is our guy.”


That seems to be the party line at NPR/PBS then… which is better than like what CNN seems to be doing (which is feeding into it). It’s good to see them calling out trump’s lies for what they are too… though of course, it’s NPR/PBS, so they are also very calm and measured…


The thing not being discussed in all of this is how anti democratic these people are. We’ll just substitute someone else regardless of who you voted for. We deserve that power - you don’t.


NPR/PBS does seem to be moving to that focus a bit? Nawaz said Trump had “authoritarian tendencies”. Better than whatever CNN, etc are doing. But you’re right that it’s the whole party at this point, and white Christian nationalists, and the whole conservative think-tank ecosystem, etc…


There’s something from Beau’s video that I found interesting. Nobody’s talking about T****. Everybody’s talking about Biden this week. Sure, most of it’s negative. But that was true of T**** and he reveled in it. He took all of the oxygen out of the room. Now Biden’s taken all of the air out of the room, and unlike T****, he’s using it to talk about his accomplishments. In between saying he should take a cognitive test, media is actually talking about Biden’s resume.

I agree with Beau that there’s no way Biden flubbed the debate on purpose, but this week might be the best flub recovery in a long time. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Dem maneuvering right now is for show, to strategically keep the focus on Biden for a change. It’s unlikely but possible.


Also from Beau…


Biden should counter that the 2nd debate should use real debate format: a subject is introduced and one side makes an affirmative case with evidence under a time limit. The other side counters with a negative case, taking down the affirmative’s case and making their own counter-case. Next subject, reverse roles. Etc. Have a moderator panel who judges whether the affirmative side made their case or not.

You can’t Gish Gallop an actual debate. You have to present evidence to back up your assertion. You have to stick to the subject.

It would be a bloodbath.


I Like It Reaction GIF by CBC


POLITICO Magazine asked me to sketch out what the world would look like during and after a second Trump term. And after playing out the scenarios, and studying real-world examples, that’s the conclusion I came to: Trump would make Europe great again.



With fake evidence and lies getting called out by the moderator, costing time to the liar. Don’t wait to the judging for lies to get called out.


Honestly, that would be unnecessary. T**** can’t hold onto a subject for the amount of time needed to establish a case. He would meander all over, talking about windmills and illegal aliens, meanwhile the subject would be the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and he’s score zero points. Biden would just have to point that out, then make whatever case he wants about Ukraine.