Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

Now given the recent Supreme Court decisions, did he accept those hundreds of thousands of dollars before casting votes (bribes) or after (gratuities)? Of course, if this made it to the Supreme Court on appeal we know Injustice Thomas and Injustice Alito would find some sort of :ox: :poop: (sorry, no bull emoji, but ox is close) reason why Senator Menendez doesn’t fall under the conditions of that decision.


About damn time. Now will the Senate please finally start considering his expulsion? That should have happened long ago.

Edit to add: Schumer finally, at long last, is suggesting that Menendez should resign. (Which, as of right now, is more than either of my state’s Senators have done.) But he still isn’t raising the prospect of expulsion:


Menendez doesn’t deserve the dignity of being able to resign. I want that expulsion to be part of his legacy.




Keegan Michael Key Stop GIF by Playing With Fire


A billionaire who can’t afford a decent hairpiece or hair weave? He obviously wants to cover it up.


Trump says in the video he believes that children get too many vaccinations, explaining, “It’s like 38 vaccines [that] look like they’re meant for a horse, not a 10- or 20-pound baby 
 And then you see the baby radically change. I’ve seen it too many times.”


He was spouting that shit in 2015 or earlier. Il Douche has been antivax as long as I have been paying attention to the issue. Not the only, or even most important, reason I hate him with a passion, but certainly one of 'em.


This especially irks me because well-off men on the left who have a platform are telling those of us who voted in the primary that our vote should no longer count. It’s a combination of sour grapes for some and buyer’s remorse for others. If they think it should have been someone else, why didn’t they find someone to run against Biden before the primaries?

angry cate blanchett GIF


Thing is, it’s not like I don’t think Biden is beyond criticism! Of course not! I have plenty
 but I also understand the system that we’re in right now, and the stakes if the Democrats lose in November. No more space for people like Moore and Hasan to be contrarian on anything. They’ll be some of the earliest public figures that they go after


I think a lot of guys have an ego thing about wearing a wig vs. getting plugs; they need to believe it’s really “their” hair (Biden isn’t immune from this either: he had hair impant surgery but was at least honest enough to be open about it).

Recall that one of the ugly details that came out during Trump’s divorce proceedings with Ivana was that he raped her in a fit of rage after the cosmetic surgeon she recommended supposedly botched Trump’s scalp reduction surgery.

Kind of F’ed up that even HuffPo framed this story as “guess what we learned about Donald’s hair?” rather than “Trump’s ex testified he raped her.”


Pick an option. The half measure really odd combover doesn’t work. If you don’t like what your hair looks like; it’s perfectly fine to do something. Or crop it. Or shave it.


He definitely looks like Marvel’s Kingpin.


definitely not smart enough to be Lex Luthor!


Not rich enough for Daddy Warbucks - another New Yorker. But as evil as Blofeld; though he doesn’t like pets.

And certainly not a Kojack! That guy had style.


Marvel’s Kingpin is a murdering sociopath but he’s much smarter and has a far better knack for leadership than TFG. As I wrote some months ago in another thread:

One reason I like the Vincent D’Onofrio depiction of Kingpin in the Netflix Daredevil series is that it shows how Fisk is able to build and maintain a criminal empire through human relationships. At one point midway through the series Fisk finds himself in prison with few remaining assets and a big target on his back. So what does he do? He chats up some of his fellow inmates. He finds out what is going on in their lives. He uses up a large portion of what few assets he still controls to ensure that one inmate’s mother can keep paying the rent on her apartment or that another inmate’s kid can see a medical specialist or whatever. In short order he quickly becomes the most powerful person in the prison and has built himself a security detail whose loyalty extends beyond a short-term paycheck.

Trump would never be able to emulate that kind of leadership style because it requires understanding the kinds of complex emotional needs that make regular people tick.


totally off topic, but

D’Onofrio is THE embodiment of Wilson Fisk in my mind.
but, yeah, too interpersonal in his sociopathy to be trumpish.


He’s pretty awesome in that role!


Kingpin’s method of trying to improve his communication with Echo, though
that was a little Trumpian. Rather than learn sign language, he pays to have some fancy digital heads up display gadget that translates his speech to sign, and he signing to speech. And he didn’t understand why she wasn’t impressed. I think the Kingpin we saw in Echo, and may continue to see in other MCU projects, is a bit more on the Trump end of the scale.


He does eventually become Mayor of NY.


Ugh, I hope not. We have too much of that in real life. But you may be right considering Echo ended with Kingpin contemplating a run for political office.


Childless people shouldn’t run the country. Like George Washington dude?