Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

And… it’s not even true in a place like Texas.

You are still better off trying to vote for the local candidates who are least dangerous to you even if you are yourself a Republican living in a Republican stronghold.


It’s not true anywhere. Everyone should still vote. President is not the only office on the ballot. And even in deeply red states, there will probably be bullshit state constitutional amendments on ballots that both R and D voters oppose, to your point. Abortion issues have been a really good example the last few years, with abortion rights being protected even in a state like Kansas, which no one would describe as a swing state, even though Kansas actually has a Democratic governor right now. And that’s the other thing that happens a lot, actually. For state and local offices, it’s a lot easier for opposition party candidates to win, at least for statewide offices like governor. It’s why New Jersey has had a Republican win the governorship 4 times (Christine Todd Whitman and Christ Christie two terms each) since it last voted for a Republican for President in 1988.


There are indeed lots of people on BB who confuse acknowledging obstacles with defeatism, but… seriously, multiple people just gave reasons why what you said isn’t entirely true. Ignoring them and saying “nope, that doesn’t matter” and writing it all off as wishful thinking without a justification is pretty defeatist.


First time I’ve read this suggestion thus far:

The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton.



Why let billions spent by Republican superPACs to discredit her go to waste?

Aurora Browne Baronesscbc GIF by Baroness von Sketch Show


I’m not in the “Joe needs to go” camp but the entire point of naming a running mate during the election is to show you have a suitable successor should the need arise so this “Kamala Harris isn’t qualified” narrative is ridiculous.


As always so long as Biden is running I’m behind him, but Harris is extremely qualified, and had been getting a ton of exposure lately, and giving some truly great speeches. I think that she’s got a ton of energy, and is damn good at articulating the Democratic message.

I’m glad her energy is behind Biden right now, and if things switch to her, she’d be hitting the ground running.


Just a reminder that if something happens to Biden THERE ARE PLANS for what happens… :woman_shrugging:


I have to assume that someone who wants to replace the candidate who won against Trump with the candidate who lost against Trump is not actually concerned about winning against him. :unamused:


Holy shit… :laughing:


Sent my brother in OH a heads up to check. My Ayn Randian sister jumped in (we have a sibling group text) to explain how this was perfectly ordinary and no big thing. He asked how to check, i told him. She said she checked her own and found she had been purged!


I think this “you can have your cake and eat it too” argument is missing the point.

IF people are seriously doubting Biden’s competence – and polls say many people are, but you can doubt polls, but let’s assume for the moment that they are – then saying “it’s ok! If he dies or goes senile you’ll get Kamala anyway!” isn’t the strong argument people seem to think it is.

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But when coupled with “those are the only two people who are on the ticket that won the Democratic primaries, have amassed a massive campaign fund, and have the campaign infrastructure in place” it’s the only argument.

Everything else is a fantasy.


Meh. The Dems can find somebody. Anybody! Any warm body would have more appeal than old doddering frail Biden!

–Almost every Democratic voter I know :grimacing: :weary:


I’m sorry… what? This is about how our systems ACTUALLY function. :woman_shrugging: If Biden died tomorrow, Harris WOULD BE PRESIDENT. how is the hard to grok? Is it because it’s ME saying it, and I’m obviously not worth listening to?


That’s not what that argument is though.

So it’s probably not compelling because it’s a strawman of the point?

I’ll tell you one thing though if Biden drops and they kick Harris.


Because there is no point and at that point we already don’t have elections anymore.

So there! And I definitely won’t be the only one who stays home because which racist billionaire’s rentboy is going to be forced on me as dictator for life doesn’t matter anymore.

Why the hell would I risk my personal safety at the polls for that?

I’m tired of racists and I’m tired of dumb elite lazy asses who are content armchair quarterback my life to an early end.

In fact, screw it, I will vote for Trump because he’s so damned dysfunctional that eventually even white men who aren’t also billionaires will suffer and I want to make sure it hurts more when they finally do and that their children are left in poorer circumstances too wherever in the world they may be, if I’m alive to do so.

I understand the Democratic party and the base is comprised of divisive groups who often have mutually exclusive goals. As such, none of us will be getting what we want the most.

I wanted healthcare reform. Pffft! lulz

Now I want to see if white men can engage with the deathly ramifications of their unchecked privileges when they encounter another white person behaving the same way for different ends. There’s always a silver lining.

People underestimate other people so much. Like there is this subtext to women and POC as if Democratic men mostly are like “be careful or we won’t let you have those rights you want so damned bad!”

But they didn’t give them because our ancestors had to fight to get them.

Dem voters act like Trump is the first racist and misogynistic president with regressive values and a willingness to hurt the US people or something.

He’s not the first. He’s just also the last white guy in the world who should ever have been considered for the role and as such he could easily win a general against one of the most intelligent and accomplished of all the Black women in this relatively privileged country.


Good short video here spelling out how the Dems are eating themselves alive as a viable party.


White men will be the last to suffer, after everyone else has suffered far worse. Is that what you want?

Trump being dysfunctional won’t necessarily mean that his administration will collapse or be hopelessly dysfunctional. J.D. Vance, Steve Bannon and the Project 2025 crew can all fill the void with their own plans, and as long as Trump isn’t too gaga to sign whatever they put on his desk it’s all good. And when they can’t keep up the charade any longer they can 25th Amendment Trump’s ass and Vance can take over.


Why does American television and press “both-sides” our politics? Why are such different presidential candidates presented as equally flawed? Why do the outrages of Trump, for example at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, lead to the humiliation of Biden?

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No of course it’s not what I want. But I’m sick of having to be the intelligent emotionally neutral masochist while my supposed betters whine and cry like children about who gets to abuse me.

So if people want to use fear to hurt and control me then let them be afraid.

Some of us have already been suffering. I have watched my lack of rights extend to an ever widening group already. Stop looking to the victims to save you white men. Or… yes … let us all die then. Together. As a symbol of the virtue of man. You know, like how COVID got us the last time we made this mistake.