8 posts were split to a new topic: Tipped workers and wages
Randy Rainbow (bless 'im!) just posted a Rogers-and-Hammerstein summary(?) of the Harris v trump situation. (i’ve discreditably stuck on a 1m38s skip forward to get over the Ground-News ad …if you want the initial howdydoo you might want to yank yer slider west)
apparently, last week ■■■■■ said he should control the fed because he’s “made a lot of money”
Me too! So many genuine smiles in that video
I had been thinking of having a T-shirt made that would say:
“Vote for the Grownups: vote Harris-Walz”
More lately I’ve been thinking of:
“Vote for the people who like people: vote Harris-Walz”
Is anyone watching the Trump interview with Musk?
I wonder how heavily edited the final released interview will be to mask the in(s)anity this interview is bound to be full of.
Catching trhe livestream on Sam Seder’s youtube channel. Inane is the word.
I can barely watch the previous years’ of interviews.
Thanks for live-blogging the R’s convention.
It was brave of you.
I know when I have reached my limit. And I have, at least in the audio part of my brain. Those dudes really do give me the creeps.
Same here, since 2016.
Stolen glamour.