Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)


Election seasons usually stir passions and tempers. Thereā€™s a lot at stake this time around, and that makes feelings stronger. That doesnā€™t excuse insulting the community as a whole or individually in replies.

Please remember to debate the position, not the poster. Attacks on your fellow Mutants are a violation of the Guidelines and will be moderated.

Thank you.


The thing about positions like this is that they come from extreme privilage. To be able to say that it compromises some version of honor or purity to vote for Harris says that my trans childā€™s life, my daughterā€™s life, my wifeā€™s life are just compromises and that it is not worth it to support the only party that does not want them dead. The only folks for whom the two parties are roughly similar is well-off, cis, straight, white men. Every other group would be worse off under Il Douche. And yes, this includes the Palestinian people. Bidenā€™s actions in Gaza have sucked, no doubt, but Trump has said flat out that he would be much worse. It is terrifying to me that there are still people who cannot see this, and moreso when they identify as some form of left. The fascists will march in lockstep. Its all they know. If we form a circular firing squad, they will take control, and it will not be just the same.


I know that I could not tell a Palestinian-American to suck it up and vote for Biden after all the horror heā€™s been enabling against people just like them. In fact nobody has to vote for Biden. The absolutely best option for the people there is to put pressure on Harris to be better.


I would never tell anyone they must vote for anyone. If you feel that strongly, so be it. I reserve the right to place the life of my family higher than a purity test, though. And that is exactly what this is. I fear that my youngest would not survive a Trump victory. And i feel i have every right to carry that feeling as strongly as those being victimized in Gaza. I am not going to start ranking victimhood, understand. I just feel Harris would be the better option in both circumstances. But i can only speak for myself. If i overstep, understand that my family is the most important thing in the world to me. And Trump is a direct threat to many that i hold dear. So, apologies if i offend.


No offense taken or meant. Not family, but I have trans friends I amā€¦less worried about the better Harris does. Like I said, this is a trolley problem where the people of Gaza are unfortunately on both tracks, along with vastly more people on one of them. But Harris isnā€™t the one who put them there, and sheā€™s the one on the ballot instead of Biden. Maybe we can get her to be better on this too.


Yep. If you wanna burn our metaphorical house down in solidarity for the deaths of others then go ahead and try just donā€™t expect me to help you out with that and if Trump wins wellā€¦ donā€™t expect me to help you out with that.

Since I was born there have been at least 12 official genocides according to wikipedia btw List of genocides - Wikipedia.

If none of them have been worth putting a senile dictator in place to topple the USā€™s hegemony and return the favor to our people by beginning a genocide hereā€¦ then why this one?

Perhaps it sounds callous that I would put my life and my own safety and even, dare I say it, comfort above other peopleā€™s desire for the same in an unjust world like I have for all these years I dared breathe when others could not.

Fine thenā€¦Judge. Worry for my soul. Pray for me.

The dead outnumber the living and Iā€™ll meet them soon enough!


Kamala is speaking at the DNC right now!!

It was quick! She got people on their feet, thatā€™s for sure.


Steve Kerr spoke. He was funny. Heā€™ll catch some flak from some basketball fans for this, but good for him.


AOC is on fire right now.


Yeah she is!


Itā€™s been a pretty great night overall. I really liked the Jason Isbell performance, too. Iā€™m getting really excited to see Joe


If they didnā€™t already know that, like Pop, heā€™s an anti-racist then they deserve to be upset.


They started chanting ā€œlock him upā€ during Clintonā€™s speechā€¦ :grimacing:


Itā€™s soā€¦fuckingā€¦hard to see HRC speak. For me, itā€™s like November 2016 all over again, but actually knowing how bad it could be. I canā€™t imagine what it is like for her. But she delivers somehow.

Episode 1 Reaction GIF by Heels


I donā€™t understand why Clintonā€™s speech was *soooooooo long? Boomers are not the biggest voting block anymore. Itā€™s millennials and Z (eh, maybe some of us Xers can have a small influence).


Because people need to be reminded of the consequences of staying home because they are confident the more competent candidate will win?


Raskin: Banana Republicans. It fell flat with the crowd, but I kinda like it?


She was the first woman to be a major party presidential candidate.

Kamala will be the first Generation Jones President!