Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

That is a “study” with a predetermined outcome torturing the data to support it.


A study that was then further amplified and sensationalized by the totally objective and impartial minds at Reason magazine. :man_facepalming:


Just had a horrible thought, and it is almost certainly just me seeing evil, but here it is:

Whether cars or guns are the leading cause of death among kids, it is unquestionable that these two are 1-2. Also unquestionable is that car seats dramatically reduce child deaths in car accidents. If they can get a movement to eliminate car seat requirements, the childhood deaths attributable to cars goes way up. Therefore, the headline that “guns are the #1 cause of deaths in kids” goes away.

Like I said, almost certainly false, but this is where my head goes. I hate this timeline!


I think the same thing but I think it’s subconscious because Vance is a suicidal narcissist actually who feels an impulse to project that onto others as a survival mechanism. Based, but who cares, this MF actually straight up says I don’t have value as a human so fuck him right back in his donutless hole.

I mean all these things they are pushing come from an enemy of our country that wants to see us dead. The talking points, the values, the desperate need to keep americans poor or dead. Even the fucking fear of marching black bloc antifa like that’s a regular thing on “main street” here. The people who were “motivated” by this agit prop for the last three decades are truly scum of this earth, like shitty white supremacist gangsters and stuff like that… but mainstream america turns a blind eye to them because at least they aren’t Black… and I have no power at all to do anything about it really.

I’ll vote. But let’s be real. When some people say their vote doesn’t count… it’s because it truly never has.


The same crowd complaining about the “undesirable” population growth and there should be “measures” to control it also complaining about declining birth rate. Wow, they should save everyone the trouble of twisting their brain to pretzel by just come out with the Fourteen Words. It will all make sense by then. /S


Get ready, what will the democrats do next?

Win the election?


We should never fail to notice the utter panic/drive on the right to promote polls to say that they’re way ahead now. Their most obvious reason for doing that is to state that the election was “obviously stolen!” because such-and-such Rasmussen poll (for example) “had us up four points just five weeks ago!” National opinion polling is thus now more of a weapon of propaganda than it is endless pablum for the media. We can’t even trust those who might tell which polls we might place some trust in. please vote! please get your lazy friends to vote! (i’ve got a half dozen of those myself) and be ready for some real nasty post-election fraud. -sigh-


So the democrats are trying to assassinate him but let the secret service stop those attempts under a democratic administration?


It’s a conspiracy in concept, they still have to work the bugs out of it.

I never understood how the democrats could cheat the president into office but they couldn’t cheat their way into controlling congress.


They supposed cheated in the 2016 Presidential election too, winning Hillary the popular vote by netting 3 million illegal votes in California.

Why they would do so is a puzzling question given that Democrats were universally expected to carry California anyway and a tiny percentage of those fraudulent votes would have been more than enough to secure an electoral college win if they’d been cast in swing states instead.


I think channeling rage from extreme cognitive dissonance has become a feature of the GQP. I just saw a sign that said “TRUMP SAFETY. KAMALA CRIME.”


Today, this very moment, I learned the vice president is in charge of other candidate’s protection.

Wouldn’t you think a billionaire could afford some extra protection if he is worried about the democrats doing murder on him?


I’m pretty sure he thinks Harris is acting as president now that Biden is no longer running. After all, Trump would never have stood aside if he were in charge, plus he always treated campaigning and the presidency as the same job.


the bats were smart enough to get out when the door opened, so they’re okay in my book. can’t blame somebody for where they were born, only for what they do with what they’re given :bat:


Bats that find themselves in hell are said to leave very quickly.


“Meatloaf, again?!”


That’s a rather tender subject.


Starting to be a lot of Riff Raff in here.



Hell yeah! Schlock rock royalty! (Leaving Trumpist tendencies out for now)