Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

Excited Celebration GIF by Slanted Studios


Oh. no…
You just hate to see that, don’t you?


Celebrate Season 1 GIF by The Roku Channel


See Ya Goodbye GIF by This GIF Is Haunted

She can grift in the private sector…


They’re not going to elect Democrats – the party that is actually helping them – but they should at least be electing better quality Republicans:


I mean, this is the logical outcome of years of the GOP screaming about how the government doesn’t work, then doing things to ensure that government doesn’t work, and then blaming it on the Democrats.


Oh look, it’s the consequences of your own actions:


I know we shouldn’t be linking to this joint but read some of the comments.

When their voter records get purged it’s cheating, when they purge records that affect democrats it’s preventing cheating.

I’m glad it was republicans that did the purging.


I think Dean Phillips is finally about to drop out.

Dean Phillips is responding to tonight’s results with a little bit of self-deprecating humor. “Congratulations to Joe Biden, Uncommitted, Marianne Williamson, and Nikki Haley for demonstrating more appeal to Democratic Party loyalists than me.” He then shared a screenshot from another account showing that he won Cimarron County in the Oklahoma panhandle — what appears to be his first county tonight — quipping, “I’ve seen enough.”


dean phillips is no jason palmer, that’s for sure.

Out of 91 ballots cast in the territory’s caucus, Palmer won 51 and Biden won 40.


Looks like Adam Schiff is likely going to get his wish; he turned what was almost certainly going to be a Dem vs. Dem race in the runoff election for California’s vacant Senate seat into a Dem vs. Republican race by running ads designed to boost Steve Garvey over Katie Porter.

Schiff is favored to win in November but if he screws up or gets caught in a scandal or has an unexpected medical emergency that forces him to suspend his campaign this could mean Democrats handed a sure win over to Republicans just because Schiff didn’t want to have to run against another progressive.

This is some bullshit.

(ETA to fix angry-typing)


You’re not going to win an election in a cult if you’re running against the leader of the cult. Now, will she bend the knee or do the right thing and endorse Biden?


Ironically, that article doesn’t answer the question in the headline, other than to say he’s a Democrat from Baltimore. So before anyone gets excited thinking, “Ooh, is this an up and coming young progressive?” No, he’s a 52 year old venture capitalist who’s been an executive with Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In other words, he’s just a more successful Dean Phillips. And that’s only because he decided to campaign heavily in American Samoa, a place he’s never even bothered to actually visit in person. SSDD.


It also means Porter is out of Congress after this year, since she’s not running for reelection for her House seat. Of course, that was going to happen to either Schiff or Porter regardless, but still, it sucks. We need more people like her in government.


You mean Porter…

One less woman in the senate, but hey, not like that matters right? Men got our back, RIGHT? :rage:


That should disqualify him right there…

Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals


Katie Porter for President, 2028.

ETA: Or…if Biden wins in November…put her on the short list for SCOTUS. She’s not a judge, but she does have a JD, and there’s not actually any requirement that a SC Justice have experience in the federal judiciary. Earl Warren didn’t.


Even if that doesn’t happen, there are other potentially serious consequences to what Schiff did.

As the Pod Save America hosts were pointing out, there’s a real chance that this will hurt various down-ballot Democratic candidates in the general election by shifting who is going to turn up to vote. If the race for Senator was between two Democrats, potentially more Democratic voters who are invested in one candidate or the other would show up to vote. (And if a few Republicans, seeing that they had no Republican Senate candidate on the ballot, decided not to vote at all, who are we to judge?) As the current situation is, there well may be a narrow slice of the Republican electorate in CA that

  1. doesn’t care for Trump and isn’t motivated to turn out for him
  2. Is interested in Garvey enough to show up to vote
  3. Goes ahead and votes for down-ballot Republican House candidates that they wouldn’t bother to turn out for if Garvey wasn’t on the ballot.

There are so many House races in CA and the balance of power is so close that even if this were to only make a difference in one or two House races it could be disastrous.

So yeah, I’m not a big fan of Schiff right now.


And everyone knows he was awesomesauce.