Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

Lawyer on tv said they do.


He has two private jets. I like those for the confiscation list.


If it were up to me, Iā€™d tweak the current system first before abandoning it. I think the President has too much power - and that applies to all of them. Scale back the power of the prez by making the DOJ and several other executive departments nominated by the Prez but accountable to Congress. Reduce the election period for federal offices to 6 months for president, 4 months for Congress. No campaigning or events prior to that time, and a FEC with teeth. Kill the filibuster dead. Expand SCOTUS to 15 justices and make them accountable for ethics and competency by allowing the president to nominate a justice for review by Congress at a lower threshold for removal than impeachment. States can run their own elections, as long as they have automatic universal registration and vote-by-mail and high voter participation. Any state that falls below 75% voter participation has to have their system reviewed by the Feds until it gets back up above that threshold.


Nice list!

I See Writing GIF by PBS


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I am not sure I can keep this up long enough to get to current retirement age. Fucking no!


And life expectancy has been decreasing.

How about you just get rid of the income exemption fuckers?


I got a better idea, assholes, remove the income cap on SSI.

@KathyPartdeux, I think Iā€™m saying the same thing as you, but in different words.

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I am one of the few who would be affected by that. And Iā€™m perfectly OK with that. The cap is ridiculous.


The cap has crept up over the years, and I no longer am subject to it, but itā€™s ridiculous that a cap even exists.

Next up: Institute progressive taxation of capital gains.


So I guess this is positive news, although Iā€™m doubtful that the amount that each candidate directly spends on ads will make a huge difference in the 2024 Presidential election. Everyone pretty much knows who these guys are already. Still, Iā€™d rather that Biden have more campaign cash than Trump than not have more cash than Trump. Maybe the money can make a difference for get-our-the-vote campaigns even if itā€™s unlikely to actually change many peopleā€™s minds.



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( *sigh* i wish we were all safe enough to live in ignorance )


but he left open the possibility of running in November as an independent.

Damn narcissistic asshole.


He needs to money to pay his lawyers. Taking a page from Trump.


This opinion piece seems to contain a lot of assumptions. A brief look at the underlying studyā€¦it focuses on one election (2022). So, a very narrow analysis leads to sweeping generalizations about Democrats in their conclusions. Add to that ignoring actions and messaging from pols in office that address the very points they claim ā€œDemocratsā€ are not making.

It leaves me wondering what news sources they read on a regular basis. Some follow-ups might include asking where they live, and what messages about programs have they seen from Democrats in local/county/state/federal office. Another angle might include any party committee platform information have they reviewed. Both tend to be mentioned a lot by candidates running for office.

Personally, I get a lot of outreach from Democrats in my area (and on the federal level) with policies and pursuits that reflect what this article is talking about. Only itā€™s not recent, it goes back well before 2016. So, all these seemingly well-meaning advice columns just look like theyā€™re coming from folks who either donā€™t pay attention or enjoy ā€œDemsplainingā€ after scrolling through the goals and achievements lists on the White House website. :woman_shrugging:t4:


N=1 and all that, but Iā€™ll bet this is a harbinger for what is going on around the countryā€¦

My plumber today mentioned that heā€™s not even sure if heā€™s going to vote (Indianaā€™s primary is in May) because there are no good options, and commented ā€œmaybe that lady governor ā€“ whatā€™s her name? ā€“ would at least be intelligentā€.

If lifelong Republicans in solid red Indiana (except for the few big cities) are having such a tough time figuring out whether or not to bother voting this time, to the point where they canā€™t even remember the name of the only candidate they feel they wouldnā€™t have to hold their nose to vote for, maybe this really will be a rout. If they donā€™t show, then they donā€™t vote the down ticket either, which is the best possible scenario.


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ā€œI donā€™t believe it, plain and simple. I donā€™t believe it because weā€™re experiencing different results,ā€ Auriol Sonia Morris ā€“ a South Carolina education, finance and legal consultant who describes herself as a Black conservative Republican and a supporter of former President Donald Trump ā€“ told ABC News.

If you get all your news from insurrection-supporting news sites, you will have been fed a very different view of the world. A fact-free, feelings-and-fear based one that is generally at odds with reality, but you wonā€™t know that.