Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

Hmm, when did she say that?

I don’t think we can be that certain about what’s going on in that sphinx-like head.


I do not take it as a given that Melania isn’t an idiot.

Remember the time she plaigarized a speech by Michelle Obama or the time she made herself look like a monster for no reason by wearing the “I don’t care do u?” jacket while visiting detained children?

Yes, she looks like a thoughtful and prudent figure next to her husband—but who wouldn’t?


Honestly it’s all Kremlinology with those people: trying to guess who’s in and who’s out by hints and clues and vague statements and who doesn’t attend which event, and who gets flipped by the DoJ to testify against them.

But one thing that family has in common is the grift. And it looks very much like Melania has been working to keep Barron away from it.

This whole “Barron is nominated to the GOP Convention, then his mother’s office issues a statement that he has ‘other commitments’ and ‘thinks he left the oven on’ and ‘is washing his hair that evening’, and unfortunately he will be very far away from it” looks to me like his father and siblings are trying to suck him into the family business, and his mother is trying to keep him out of it.

Maybe she just thinks he needs more experience in the world of grifting before she gives him her blessing, I don’t know. But this grift they’re all in, to steal the country, is it: it’s the big one, and if they don’t pull it off, then they’re done.¹ If Melania is keeping Barron out of it, then one must presume it means something, even if that’s only that there might be signs of human compassion in there somewhere after all.

[1] Note: that doesn’t mean the danger is passed: all the fascists lining up behind the Trump Crime Family are still there, but if the Trumps fail, then they’ll be discarded and the fascists will move on.


Maybe you could see her wanting to keep Barron out of her husband’s schemes but she is plainly not opposed to the grifting business itself.


But we don’t even know that. Does Barron have his own press office? I hope not. He might be making decisions for himself, and using the public backlash as justification. He’s barely a legal adult, and whoever is making the decision to keep him out of the shit show that is his father’s political ambition and business fraud, it seems like the right call from my distant seat. The less that I know about Barron, the better. Unless he comes out as a champion for social justice and equity, in which case I will cheer him on (but I won’t hold my breath).



Scoop: Trump quietly moves Haley off his blacklist

Nikki Haley is under active consideration by Donald Trump’s campaign to be his running mate, two people familiar with the dynamic told Axios.

Why it matters: The GOP rivals’ relationship remains chilly, but Trump could pick Haley if he were convinced she’d help him win the presidency, avoid a potential prison sentence and cover tens of millions in legal bills if he loses.

If true, I guess Trump’s eternal burning grudges can be temporarily suspended in order to try to save his ass. However, I wouldn’t give two cents for her chances after a Trump win.


I wonder if she’d be willing. I don’t doubt that she can swallow her morals and conscience, but her practical side might see the folly of tying herself to a sinking ship.


I’d think that her play would be for 2028.


Probably, because none of these people supposedly under consideration seem to give two shits about how they get into power, just that they have some. We’ll see if she actually believes the things she said about Trump during the campaign or if she was just bullshitting like the rest of the spineless cowards, who’ve now come to back Trump.


Though if you think Trump loses; you’re young enough to wait for the next election. Where you’re the presumed front runner and there’s no incumbent on either side.

OTOH- Trump might die in office; should the worst happen.


Somebody must have read that story to him.

Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well! DJT

Even Marge is trying too clear it up but she’s probably doing it because she wants the job.


I bet his “I wish her well!” could blacken silverware.


i feel like anytime a tweet is in complete sentences, with proper spelling and correct capitalization*, it’s guaranteed to be someone else posting on his account.

neither he nor his team will know who he’s picking for vp up until the moment he announces it, and maybe not even then. i’d wager there’s a chance he’ll nominate no one, and say he doesn’t need a vp because he’s a “super genus” [sic]

( * hey ! don’t judge me like that. :smile_cat: )


Now where have we heard Trump use that phrase before?


His version of 'Bless her heart"?


As usual, Marge is up to no good. Does Georgia require you to state party affiliation when registering?

We MUST win Georgia!!

Georgia now has 13,500 more newly registered Democrat voters.

Trump “lost” to Biden by less than 12,000 votes in 2020.

Registering to vote by SS numbers opens the door to illegals voting in our elections.

Do you trust Fulton Co to verify citizenship?


No, but they do have a record of people’s voting patterns. When you go for a primary, you request which party ballot you want, so it’s a matter of public record how many people vote in each primary. And of course, you can join either party and participate in the electoral process that way.


Maybe he’ll run as his own VP, so that he’d have to be impeached/convicted twice to get rid of him?

However, there’s that old rule that if the pres and VP are from the same state, it would cost him half the Florida electoral college votes.


Ugh. That’s so stupid and obviously not how it works that I bet nobody ever bothered to make a rule about it…and so just like pardoning himself, people would keep saying it’s a thing he could maybe do until it’s somehow accepted as plausible. :roll_eyes:

I really hate that man


And if the Republicans keep the House, they could make him Speaker, and he’d be behind three proxies…