Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

Colin Jost Shrug GIF by Saturday Night Live


Well ain’t this special.


One of the articles linked from the footer, honestly it’s not something that surprises me, they’re all power for power’s sake


Remind me again who the snowflakes are.

Cry babies.

Those officials believe the current plans would force delegates and others attending to come in close contact with protesters on their way to the site of the convention.

GOP officials have said they want the Secret Service to expand the security perimeter because the current plans would force convention attendees to be near protesters as they entered and exited Fiserv Forum, the site of the convention, risking confrontations.

inexcusably forcing them into close proximity to the currently planned First Amendment Zone,”


I’ll probably re-read this a lot in the coming months since GOP candidates keep using these tactics:

Kamala Harris Yes GIF by The Democrats



(Free link)


If they’re engaging in a conspiracy; we shouldn’t wait till the election to charge them.




Fast food chains are battling to get customers back in their doors with new menu items and new value meals. McDonald’s and Burger King are both launching a new $5 menu. And Wendy’s has a new discounted breakfast meal that lets you score a small seasoned potatoes and a bacon or sausage sandwich for just $3. None of those deals, however, hold a candle — or should we say ketchup packet — to Wendy’s Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger deal next week. Starting May 28th customers will be able to snag one of the iconic burgers for just a penny. Yes, literally 1 cent (and that’s no typo).


“In a two-party system, we know that voting is a binary choice, so we support the candidate most likely to execute our political will.”

This is the best and most succinct explanation for how people in the US vote in general that I have seen yet.


Sorry I’m a couple days late on this one, but the diversity of Biden’s appointments is really impressive, and especially because it’s not just racial/ethnic/gender diversity.

The professional diversity of Biden’s judges is also off the charts. More than 40% of them (85) have backgrounds as public defenders or civil rights lawyers ― a huge break from the centuries-long tradition of plucking people for federal judgeships from their jobs as prosecutors or corporate attorneys.

This is hugely important. The thing I liked most about his appointment of Ketanji Brown-Jackson to SCOTUS is that she has experience as a public defender, something even Sotomayor and Kagan lack. That’s important. The Court has been weakening protections for criminal defendants for years now, and it’s partly because most Justices, both liberal and conservative, are former prosecutors. It’s a Court full of cops. Our whole judiciary is full of cops. It’s huge that Biden is changing that a little.

But the diversity of his appointments goes even further than that. His appointments have diversity of ideology, too.

He appointed the first Muslim American federal judge, Zahid Quraishi, to a U.S. district court.

I know Judge Quraishi. He taught my advanced negotiation skills class at Seton Hall. He’s not a Democrat, and he’s not a liberal. He’s an independent centrist. He’s also a good person. I like him a lot. But I also disagree with him on some things, and I suspect Biden does as well. But he’s more than qualified for the job. Biden is trying to fill the judiciary with qualified people from a variety of backgrounds and ideologies, and that’s a good thing.


I am sick and tired of people with media platforms pushing misinformation and blaming Biden or Democrats for crappy coverage in the press. First, he acknowledges that no POTUS or Democrats in Congress control the actions of the current SCOTUS. Then he chides them for not saying anything, when they definitely did:


All those points about what voters believe in that he thinks the Biden administration are taking for granted appear here:


I swear, this single issue focus is giving me flashbacks to Jimmy Carter and those who ushered in the “Reagan Revolution” which enabled the GOP plans that led to 2016. This is the source of issues with SCOTUS and state legislatures we’re struggling with today…not Democrats failing to “Get It Together.” :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: We need more people with large social media presence to inform voters about accomplishments to counter the mainstream media bashing, instead of falling for GOP baiting and repeating their talking points.


Yeah… all good points.


Brandon Herrera Wants To Go From Firing Guns On YouTube To Representing Uvalde In Congress

The influencer called “The AK Guy” is an unorthodox match for a district where one of the nation’s worst mass shootings occurred. GOP voters might pick him anyway.


But the algorithm gives him views if he stirs discontent. You wouldn’t want a little thing like the safety and freedom of you and everyone you know to get in the way of a white man making money by telling you how badly other men are gonna hurt you!

This is why I hate “the left” too.