Elections 2023 and 2024

It also ignores how Trump blundered around in the foreign policy, almost starting a war with Iran and driving them firmly to the side of Russia and China by fucking up the Obama nuclear deal, for example.


Somehow Trump is supposedly good because he’s “tough” on countries like Iran (i.e., burning diplomatic relations to the ground) but not tough enough to actually do anything in the event that a hostile foreign power invades one of our allies.


Sometimes democracy in action is a beautiful, beautiful thing to behold:


Billboard in PA



Some of Harris’s early staff was also discomfited by her prosecutorial leadership style, former staffers said, which included pointed questions from Harris about footnotes in their reports or the reasons behind why certain items had been added to her schedule. “It’s stressful to brief her, because she’s read all the materials, has annotated it and is prepared to talk through it,” said one former aide. “You can’t come to the vice president and just ask her to do something,” said another staffer. “You need to have a why.”

i can see why they’re former staffers… :person_facepalming:


They still sound overqualified to be Trump staffers.


So much mafia-style ratfuckery. I don’t think the law has enough hands on deck to keep up with it all.

GOP-tilted websites showed where Illinois judges live despite a law that protects their privacy

An election conspiracy peddler exposed dates of birth and home addresses online for more than 6 million Illinois voters earlier this year, including dozens of state and federal judges whose places of residence are legally protected, a WBEZ investigation has found.

An analysis of more than 30 websites of Lake Forest-based Local Government Information Services also identified home addresses for those involved in a high-profile federal narcotics case involving a foreign drug cartel, prosecutors involved in public-corruption cases, prominent Illinois-based actors and musicians, Chicago sports luminaries and several billionaires.

The company operates local news websites that critics have derided as politically one-sided “pink slime” operations. LGIS is being sued by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul for allegedly breaking state election law by publishing privileged voter information held by the State Board of Elections and that was accessible only to registered political committees.

All for the sake of “election integrity,” of course. :rage:

While Timpone’s statement to WBEZ was brief, he appeared on Proft’s Chicago radio program last March and discussed in more detail his logic for publishing voter roll information. Timpone in the conversation cast suspicion on how votes were tallied in Cook County’s recent State’s Attorney’s race, as well as signature validation in Georgia in the “debacle of 2020” election. Timpone is involved in another group that operates a national voter database, which he argues is necessary to prevent voter fraud.

“Let’s make sure everybody who’s registered is made public,’” Timpone told Proft, who acknowledged that he and Timpone “do newspapers together.”

“A lot of people hear that and say ‘I don’t want my voter information made public,’” Timpone continued. “That’s a bedrock of democracy, that a person who votes is actually a real person. What people should really be afraid of is there’s no validation process at all for a registered voter.”


What on earth is he on about now?

No boxes or artificial lifts will be allowed to stand on during my upcoming debate with Comrade Kamala Harris. We had this out previously with former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg when he was in a debate, and he was not allowed a “lift.” It would be a form of cheating, and the Democrats cheat enough. “You are who you are,” it was determined!


They want to make it very clear that he is taller than she is? What a petty little boy.


Okay. But the podium is only allowed to be 14 inches wide.


Says the man with the fake complexion, fake hair and elevator shoes.


Britney Spears What GIF


quite so. here’s a DailyKos posting today which does little beyond provide (image) evidence of the “elevator shoes” aspect, (recall the first thing that entered his head after being injured at the assassination attempt was “get my shoes!”). The foul man, head to foot, is pure grifter’s facade.


For the record, Lake Forest is one of the most expensive places to live in Illinois, and is virtually all mansions, not businesses. This ‘business’ is in someone’s home office, I’ll bet.


He’s going to try to stalk and tower over her the way he did with Hillary.


“What are you doing over here? It’s weird.” :crossed_fingers:


Lets Go Reaction GIF by Bounce


OK, how about this: Harris doesn’t get a block to stand on but Trump is secured to one of those steel restraint cables they used for Dr. Lecter whenever he went for a walk in the exercise room.
