Elon Musk again insinuates cave diver is a pedophile: "You don't think it's strange he hasn't sued me?"

It has to be frustrating when you’re a multi billionaire “genius” and some schmuck in flippers kicks your ass.

Whiny baby needs his bottle.


He’s going to hurt Tesla. If it depresses the stock enough, somebody might try to take the company private.


Good old Ambien Walrus. Makes you racist. Makes you … this?

Man. I really want to move to Florida. So many reasons:

  1. Very exciting news cycle
  2. Many delicious invasive species to forage/hunt/fish for (not just these snails, but also Tilapia, Snakehead, etc.)
  3. Warm weather.
  4. Very exciting weather cycle
  5. No Midwestern Winters.
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Anyone seen him hanging out with Johnny Depp?


I really think that his successes have gone to his head. Just because you did something amazing does not mean that you will be amazing at everything that you do.


You mean he hasn’t sued you…yet…is that the reason Musk has been having trouble sleeping?

It was only a few weeks ago…give it time.

Any competent legal team will ensure that all the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed, before they file suit against a billionaire…it will be the biggest paycheck of their careers, after all.


I can’t imagine having the wherewithal to work on launching rockets into outer space or laying the groundwork for going to Mars, or to go to your robot car factory that also involves reinventing our electrical grid, or to just write a check to buy a desert island on which one could bang any number of willing partners, and instead choosing to be heavily emotionally invested in Twitter arguments instead. I don’t get it.


The only guess I have is that he’s trying to get Tesla’s board of directors to resign en masse.

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Is… is this an oral sex joke?


Could I politely suggest that we all just stop talking about Mr. Musk for awhile?


Acute symptoms of obscene wealth include the inability to consider tweets before tweeting.


I’m not implying anything. I’m still waiting for him to improve the world. Thus far all I’ve seen from him is lots of toys for rich people and vaporware.


The post is about Musk implying stuff repeatedly.

Bad people love punching down. Repeatedly.

You are making a bad faith implication, as well.

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I agree with ficuswhisperer here. A different sort of car doesn’t change how much land we pave or how our cities are organized. It props up enthusiasm for the status quo.


Maybe those 120-hour work weeks for months on end are a bad idea…


“You don’t think it’s strange he hasn’t sued me?”

Perhaps Unsworth has already signed a non-disclosure agreement, and settled for an un-disclosed sum…that would be the power-move, for a genius billionaire like Musk to pull…

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Mebbe he’s just got better stuff to do than spend an interminable time in court (or more likely not actually getting to court whilst Musk’s legal team employ delaying tactics)…


Am I the only one who is sick of hearing about this guy? Recently he got LA elites creaming their jeans with a plan to drill a super-high-speed tunnel to haul people to Dodger games. I don’t deny that the INTENT of many of his projects may be good. However they always seem to involve (1) huge plans with tiny (or non-existent) results, (2) Musk’s boring-machine company, (3) being granted exemption from all regulations, taxes, oversight, etc., and (4) the unshakable conviction that he, and he alone, is capable of doing anything better than anybody else, and if they’d only get off my back and let me do things my way I will solve every problem in the world and Mommy why don’t they like me waaahhhhhh…


So is this musk doing some sort of projection…thinking about his chance to be alone with these kids who had to be sedated during their extraction? Leave it alone musk the people that saved those boys and the coach are the hero’s here. They put their lives on the line and saved the kids and no one hears the boy griping about it so STFU. Having read and followed the rescue gives me a lot of respect for the men and women world wide who saved them. For a short period of time they became the world’s kids, we watched, scared and fearful waiting to see them brought to safety and their own families. And we, the world had a brief moment of joyful news. Shut up musk…you didn’t help…doesn’t matter, coach and kids are safe.

For a while I thought musk might be someone worthy of respect. His actions and attitude regarding this issue has put and end to that.