Elon Musk exposed himself to SpaceX employee and paid her $250,000 to keep her mouth shut

This. I recently came across:

“Money allows people to become who they always wanted to be, with no compromises”. Source unknown, but it’s right on the money, in my opinion.

I’ve known a couple of people in my life of whom I think, “oh god I hope they never get rich because they will be insufferable monsters”. It happened to one of them, and the results were as predicted.






Good points. And Stark pretty much went full supervillain in the comics in Civil War. And (spoilers), in the MCU, in the last moment, sacrificed everything for others. And at several points in pretty much every story, risked everything for others. Which is something Musk has never shown an inclination to do. While I like the character and the portrayal, I have always been team Cap.




But it takes a special kind of genius* to tell us all he’s going to get us all into space… while not actually addressing any of the issues that prevent us from doing so!

*(Elon Musk may appear to only be but a humble billionaire, but he’s [not-so-]secretly also Dunning-Kruger Man!)


Right? It’s not as easy as point a rocket at space and go… there are all sorts of issues that need to be worked out before humanity as a whole will be “spacefaring”…


Not at all. I’m saying that she came into his life around the time he began to experience some incipient mental issues and/or possible drug use/abuse problems. But certainly not causative of those issues. Perhaps symptomatic of a late-onset middle life crisis? The current Elon is certainly not the Elon of ten years ago. As I said, I’m not sure how to interpret it. Until he went off the rails, I was something of an Elon fan, but no longer. Certainly his current business and political actions are far from anything he’s done before, and just plain weird for someone who’s done some of the things he’s done.

I apparently did not express myself well. I am not accusing her of making him crazy. I’m saying that he went crazy around the time he got with her. Symptom, not cause.

That was not clear, no. But he’s not crazy… he’s a capitalist with holds racists and misogynistic views, who has amassed the largest fortune in the world.


Also, just throwing this out there, Mars is made of poison.


as part of a severance agreement.

Oh, I see she was fired for bring assaulted. But of course, now she’s a "disgruntled former employee "


I’ve noticed that one of the downsides to moving to France is that I’m losing some of my ability to express subtle concepts in English. Oh well. I don’t think it’s fixable by any method I’m willing to consider.

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That’s the problem with bribing people. Unless you are a mobster, you have no way of ensuring silence from the people you pay off.

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French is far better at doing it. English is such a plodding larcenous language anyway.


Has the term “erect” been mentioned yet?


Though to be fair, being killed by radiation and not knowing how to build a self-sustaining artificial environment in which to live are icky, squishy biology problems and not worth the attention of a manly space engineer dude who deals in neat, clean absolutes!


He’s not crazy; he’s just an asshole.


It probably would have been clearer if you lead with the midlife crisis rather than who he was dating.

There have been some subtle and a lot of really not subtle at all attacks on Amber Heard for suggesting that Depp might be a violent unstable shithead so my first thought when you mentioned her was that this might be part of that. My apologies if I misinterpreted your intention.