Elon Musk is back on his 'Thai cave diver is a pedo' business again 😞

Kinda works both ways these days. Looks like a serious case of deflection to me. Elon Musk is probably a paedo.

So sue me.


Yes but that doesn’t make every Western expat in Thailand a pedophile, or make it acceptable to sling baseless accusations at people who criticise you.


" Some caves prefer a smaller sub."
Just had to reiterate this here because I couldn’t like it twice. Thanks for the laugh of the week!


Stop fucking around, Elon, and get our ass to Mars.


I think Elon probably does know something or he wouldn’t keep poking at it. ( He must have someone on staff capable of digging into this online, and everything is cheap in Thailand including sketchy private investigators )

As to why ??? He probably was initially just ticked about the guy talking shit about his submarine, and letting someone know you know something about them that they don’t want the world to know is a great way to get them to shut up.

If the diver is a pedo, I hope he gets exposed and put in jail. If scuffing the sneakers of some internet billionaire is what leads to his downfall - then…

If Elon is just tripping without some kind of intel, then well. https://boingboing.net/tag/christ-what-an-asshole

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Is it “again” if it never stopped to begin with?


When someone acts completely outrageous, we are generally inclined to conclude that the explanation for their behavior is madness or stupidity.

But when a rich and powerful person acts completely outrageous, a conclusion of madness or stupidity is unacceptable. Concluding that a rich and powerful person is mad or stupid would require confronting the idea that our society is not a meritocracy - that our economic and political systems often empower useless and horrible people, while disempowering brilliant and wonderful people.

So to avoid that cognitive dissonance, we instead throw away Occam’s Razor and concoct a scenario in which acting completely outrageous is actually a brilliant and wonderful thing to do. We accept that scenario as reality.

Basically, Elon is pulling a Trump move. Will it work? Well, it works for Trump…


Yup… and often they are dickheads.

I… fail to see that the bad is mixed with anything but more bad in this chosen example


Did Musk drink from Spanky’s glass while he served on Trump’s economic advisory council?

I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if his behavior was the result of an umbrella poke. :thinking:

(but @Barradeno actually nailed it)

Or he’s just a thin skinned egotistical asshole.


Well, I guess you get different results than I do. I found no shortage of cites with that search, from sources like the UN, UNICEF and the Thai government. There’s reports from recent newspapers, scientific papers, you name it. It seems highly unlikely to be a hoax.

I couldn’t agree more. Well said.

But that doesn’t mean Thailand doesn’t have a child sex tourism industry, either.

I had a friend stationed in Thailand for a little while doing investigative work, that’s why I heard about it.

I have never been to Thailand, and never met any of the people this thread is about. They could all be reptiloid deros or ascended masters… all I know is that Tesla stock is getting more affordable.


Yeah… if you know for a fact that someone is sexually abusing kids, and you don’t do anything to help, or say anything until they piss you off, that says something really fucked up about your ‘core values.’

If you accuse someone of the most horrible thing you can think of just because they pissed you off, that also says something really fucked up about you…


Invoking Occam’s razor may make you feel bloody smart, but it’s a razor that cuts both ways, including dirty old men retiring to cheap tropical paradises world famous for their sex trade.

I’m not goo-goo eyed for Musk by a long shot. We’ll see. I’m willing to bet. If Elon has to pay this guy libel money I’ll eat a cricket. If it comes out that guy’s a pedo then you do. Deal?


Kenny Rogers has some advice for Elon …

You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em
Know when to fold ‘em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done

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I’ve eaten crickets. They’re not that bad, especially with a good dip.


That’s far from solid evidence that this particular westerner is in Thailand for the pedophilia. It’s beautiful country, I’ve heard, and is a popular tourist destination for folk who aren’t into that. That’s like speculating that people come to America solely for the sport of shooting minorities. Just because it’s a relatively popular crime there, doesn’t mean that is why people live there. I understand pickpocketing is really popular in Thailand, maybe this diver is really there for the wallet action?


You people and your blogs that we all read - you gotta stop it with your posts about people who are “trumping” - you’re just fueling their fire when they google their name. If someone is “trumping” - JUST SAY NO. This is information not worthy of posting.

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It does not bode well for the future of the company when the CEO spends half his time forwarding Pizzagate emails.