Elon Musk making unfunny Hitler jokes in support of the Canadian anti-vax mandate convoy

Tesla: The People’s Car!


So much this. The trucks rolled across the country with transphobic slurs covering them in multiple cases (among other hateful things). This is about vaccines, is it, then, gentlemen? Please. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Exactly. It’s like the supposed anti-vaxx protests in West L.A. several months ago that were actually run by Proud Boys from Bakersfield. It’s all a cover to recruit new fascists and showcase existing ones.


That twat (according to Steve Martin, that’s the past tense of tweet) is what prompted me to finally add him to my Twitter blocklist.

Unfuck him, unfuck Tesla, unfuck Space-X. The world is better off without him, his garbage human values, or his products.


I can’t see the tweet, but maybe Musk was talking about the challenges of balancing his own budget against the nearly $2B in taxpayer loans and subsidies he got to build that battery factory… :person_shrugging:


Sarcastic Blink GIF by Nickelodeon


Its not that he’s not garbage but the alternatives (traditional car manufactures) are so much worse. They spent decades colluding with big oil, fighting what the customers have been begging for (electric cars) because they would have lower profits. So ya he sucks but he has a way to go before he hits the level of scum that the executives, boards etc. of the major car makers are.

Neither pays adequate federal tax on their incomes. We the American public pay it.
They’re both shit.


Hm. Yes. Both sides. /s

He is doing his best to make up for their 150 year head start.


Aww so nice to see him collaborating with Thiel again!


Not really no. He’s pretty fucking scummy and he’s using open streets as a beta test site. So he can fuck right off with the rest of the corporate scum.


If I still had any of my twatter accounts, I’d be using the outrageously complicated Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz flagging on the BB feed (and Skunk, sorry: Musk feed).

I’m glad I deleted those accounts. This would just make me unhappy and steal my time.

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Also worth considering is his desire to have autonomous electric trucks on the road…contribute to a demonizing of human truck drivers, pave the way.


Spending like five minutes of searching you find so many things like this.

And of course there is always this useful review of how his company actually manages despite such problems, which is basically vaporware promises to investors.

So, yeah, no. From what I can tell Tesla has been worse about environmental regulations, labor laws, safety regulations, and so on than most car companies. For some reason people excuse Musk for that because he isn’t promoting internal combustion engines…but since he is promoting cryptocurrency you can be pretty sure any environmental benefit is entirely beside the point. He didn’t get to be the world’s richest man by not being exploitative scum, through and through.


In short…
Good news: You guys no longer need to worry about getting vaccinated or having to endure quarantine in order to haul to the US and back.
Bad news: You guys also no longer have a license to drive a commercial truck.


I mentioned in another trucker convoy related thread that there was a confluence of politics, public sentiment, law enforcement investigations and the emergency measures law that caused the delay in shutting this down. The public finally got pissed off enough that they supported the government and the measures imposed to shut these people down, lots of dirt on where the financing and donations were coming from (over 50% USA) and found enough solid information to charge a group of people actively conspiring to murder police.
You can bet the police have photographed every one of the people and vehicle’s licence plates involved at the border crossings and Ottawa. The next time one of those trucks pulls into a provincial inspection station, border crossing or the like, they will be seriously delayed while the vehicle, cargo and their driving/criminal record etc. is painstakingly checked out.


My mother is a Trudeau hating convoy supporting (not anti vax at least), fox leaning (though Canadian and able to glide over a few vaguely American issues) tough broad. Even she said ‘christ what an asshole’ when I told here what this guy is up to.

Love you mom. I’m still going to chirp you every chance I get, but at least we have this asshole to unite us.


The clusterfuck of trumptruckers are disgusting. No doubt about it, just another bunch of otherwise common folks jumping on a plie trump to get their 15 minutes while they can. Musk is even greedier for additional moments so he had to pile on too. This does take much schoolin’ to figure out now does it? Heres what pisses me off though. Don’t compare that pathetic attention-craving loser to teenage boys please. Yeah lots of teenage boys are a mess but it’s legitimate for them. Their goofy brains aren’t fully developed yet. Some of 'em won’t act human until into their 20’s (if ever) but it’s part of the package of being a teen-age boy. Elon is way too long in the tooth for that excuse. When the world’s attention was focused on a group of Thailand Teenage boys we loved every kid in that cave. And the adult heroes on the ground earned respect beyond words. It was that stunt of Musky boy calling names, pedo of all the names he could have used, that did it for me. Was he envious of those guys cradling an unconscious boy out through that nightmare passage? He obviously was. A petty wretch who wouldn’t cheer for real hero’s, a sniveling narcissist that nobody was looking at. He couldn’t be happy for each of those kids who got out alive. He couldn’t show respect to those who saved the kids and one who died in the effort. He wanted it to be about him. Worms in the mud of that cave hold a higher place in life than he does.
Please don’t refer to musk as a teenage boy, boys are finer creatures by far.


Fanboys… even if they know of this:


He’s from South Africa, so it should probably be “fokswagon” (or likely “Naiiwagon”).