Elon Musk making unfunny Hitler jokes in support of the Canadian anti-vax mandate convoy

When you lie down with dogs…

Elon Musk continues to be an asshole

Fixed the headline. And many other headlines.


I live in a place where the term “the big 3” used to be a part of day to day parlance. It is barely ever uttered anymore. And “the big one and a half” doesn’t have
the same ring.
While I can feel a certain amount of pride for the increasingly rare remnants of a formerly effective class conciousness, it sadly lacks the mythical, Arthurian quality of instant revival when needed most.
It is a violently humiliating experience to be forced to witness raw corporate power bleeding our community in prolonged slow motion.
But what options are available? We can’t only not bite the brutal hand that feeds us, we can scarcely risk
a quick nibble.

Elon posted this a few weeks ago. Talk about a self-own.


Yup both shit but I think we are more used to the status quo of the major manufactures and their shenanigan’s like buying politicians to force dealer model, rollback labor laws, remove environmental protections in manufacturing and end product and then there is shipping jobs overseas, IP theft and so on (the further back you go the worse it gets). Most of the responses I’ve received here have been to emphasize how shitty Musk is, and I completely agree, just don’t want the established manufactures to be forgotten.

Excited Celebration GIF by Slanted Studios

Musk can kindly launch his own ass to Mars right now.

@Sobfu666: I watch Detroit local news most days (since that’s what gets sent to my TV), and they most definitely use “big 3”, especially around this time of year - it’s profit sharing bonus season.

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It’s still a descriptive term in Detroit as all three major auto companies maintain a manufacturing presence there. GM pulled out of Windsor completely years ago and the number of jobs at Ford is 450, I believe, from a high of 17,000.

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