Elon Musk tries to restore his failing popularity by firing an engineer

What’s even worse, nobody would want to hire a twitter engineer that stayed there.


yeah, i don’t think people are ever going to see that severance money. and i doubt musk ever had any intention of paying

which sucks. i’m sure there are families who don’t have the savings they need to handle the surprise end of their income. not everyone musk fired was making engineering salaries


you joke, but they did fire spock. right out the door…

granted he was dead at the time


I think truth isn’t a concept people like Musk understand. They say things, and other people are supposed to make it real. This engineer didn’t try to do that so they clearly weren’t doing their job.

Money and the ideology around it make people incredibly stupid.


He’s really gone full Trump hasn’t he? Just needs the orange top-coat for the final effect.


He bought Twitter to become the world’s biggest influencer. This is known.


I’ve seen this movie:

Since the first messenger who told Tigranes that Lucullus was coming had his head cut off for his pains, no one else would tell him anything, and so he sat in ignorance while the fires of war were already blazing around him, giving ear only to those who flattered him and said that Lucullus would be a great general if he ventured to withstand Tigranes at Ephesus, and did not fly incontinently from Asia at the mere sight of so many myriads of men. Which only proves that it is not every man who can bear much unmixed wine, nor is it any ordinary understanding that does not lose its reckoning in the midst of great prosperity.



KWIRK: Limey! You’re demoted!
LIMEY: Oh ho ho, well then you’ll have to get someone else, won’t you? (chuckle)
KWIRK: Oh, oh, oh, no, no! You’re not demoted! Uh–uh–You’re–You’re advanced! Just get us back on course!
Star Trip, by Congress of Wonders

Seems about like the kind of leadership Twitter, etc. is getting these days, really. Except at least Kwirk knew to reverse that firing immediately.


Ah, Elno displays his Trumpian nature for everyone to see, now. It’s nice that his ass is showing and there’s no more illusions to be had that Musk is some super-genius.

I’ve seen those remaining on Twitter (or who have just left it) talking not just about how their follower counts went down after Musk took over, but also the number of engagements per a given number of followers drastically went down, and the new view count feature made them realize the total number of views for each tweet were only a tiny fraction of their followers, as followers were using their accounts a lot less frequently (so they didn’t see older posts) - or stopped using Twitter entirely (but kept the account active). Twitter’s increasingly becoming something of a ghost town, but various factors obscure that fact.

So post-Musk Twitter is increasingly a less active place for everyone - plus Musk has all these added complications: his follower count is inflated by a lot of bots, he’s increasingly alienating a lot of people who might have thought he was cool before he took over (I can’t imagine his new fascist pals make up the numbers), and outside a few points in time when he’s screwing with Twitter, he’s not posting anything of interest. (Also, there’s a lot less reason to search for Musk in Twitter when search is frequently broken and every time he does something stupid it’s in the news anyways - and he’s in the news a lot, lately.) That Musk lacks the self-awareness to recognize any of this is… wow. He is not a smart man.

Only very briefly, I’d imagine, then things would be peaceful - dead peaceful.


It’d probably be easy to repurpose one of these. Just peel off the existing face and stick on Musk panels.


Something I like about the tech industry is the way that poor dictatorial leaders who demand sycophantic loyalty from their vassals are always only one small step from being revealed as the incompetent fools that they are.

Engineering is not like finance, where most of the money is made by rigging the system in your favor and your success has nothing to do with anyone’s skills after that. In those no-skills-needed fields you can indulge your ego and surround yourself with jesters who make you feel better, and it won’t make the slightest difference in your profits. In engineering, honest feedback is necessary to recover from failure and build back better; any dishonesty will be rewarded with nearly instant collapse.


Even the Evil Queen didn’t fire the Magic Mirror


Twitter (SpaceX? Tesla? etc?) job description requirement: Must have expert experience as an ass-kissing toady.


I wonder if they also showed him graphs of how many users have blocked him and muted his name on Twitter, which makes the Twitter experience much better, and would directly affect engagement if done by enough people.


That would directly affect the employment status of the engineers who did it.


So if there ever is some dark cosmic horror making deals with an earthing to recover an ancient artifact for power, we know who that would be.


I assume it was, a few months ago, but now that the Internet is tired of Elno I imagine those are no longer trending.

I sometimes can’t shake the mental image of a lonely and attention-seeking Elno using sock-puppet accounts to try to boost impressions of the “Der Untergang” parodies of him, because that’s all that’s left and any attention is better than none.


I just realized that the engineers that were fired were not supposed to find the truth. They were supposed to correct it, and failed to understand the unspoken brief.

Yep, they’re the lucky ones.


Maybe Musk has a point? His numbers are crap even though they’re all cooked.


They should hire programmers from Wall Street. They’ve faced that requirement for decades.