And I would say that the Republican Party ceased to be conservative at that point and started to become reactionary or fascist. Actual conservatism is somewhere to the left of what is called conservatism in America.
Nowadays, a Republican who calls themself a conservative is just a reactionary/fascist who knows that they should be ashamed of it.
Well, America has a tradition of genocide, slavery, denial of rights to women and brown and queer folks, segregation, etc. that was (and is) all part of American “conservative” culture. (I mean, America inspired the Nazis with our policies - they didn’t have to invent anything. Right down to gassing vulnerable groups with Zyklon B before they were.) The Nazis enjoyed quite a bit of popularity in the US (congressional staff even got into trouble for using congressional perks to mass mail Nazi propaganda) - ultimately it was the war that alienated American mainstream conservatism from the Nazis. Germany being the enemy made fascism less palatable. Without the war shaping opinion, I rather suspect respected American conservatives would have continued to publicly embrace it.
That madness was just distributed across both major parties before the Civil Rights split, because both parties had conservative wings. Now it’s a fully Republican thing (especially as they’ve absorbed the far right), but it was always a conservative thing, even if, post-war, it wasn’t fully mainstream.
Eric who?
Only if the money is going to them exclusively, or to someone who is already a billionaire. If it’s something that benefits everybody then it’s the worst crime they can imagine and they’ll fight tooth and nail to prevent it.
What seems to have been forgotten is that conservatism is not stagnation. The world has moved on in 50 years, but the Republicans have not. Conservatives don’t like progress, but they admit that change is inevitable, it’s just that they would prefer it to happen slowly. If Republicans still have not accepted the Civil Rights Act and Roe v Wade after over 50 years then they stopped being conservative a long time ago and have become something else.
Calling these people conservatives only gives them credibility. I refuse to do that. Call Republicans by what their actions show them to be, Reactionaries and Fascists.
I think I will say that they’ve “colonized” that word for their own advantage, and used it to cover up their more radical, right wing agenda…
I mean, they did move, just to the right. They went from reactionary to unapologetically fascist.
“Regressives” is another one. Accurate, though it lacks the emotional punch of “fascists” (which, of course, is also accurate). But those fuckers would regress all the way back to the Middle Ages if they could.
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