EU official: all identified Paris attackers were from the EU

No, because the parents of the criminals here weren’t refugees. Most likely Algerians, Tunisians, etc. who as subjects of the French empire were legally entitled to passports and citizenship. Better to say the problem is not helping refugees, but rampant colonialism.

Except I don’t think that’s the problem either. And the implication that “some percentage of their children… will become terrorists,” as if this is a natural and unavoidable progression (50% will be male, 10% will be left handed, 0.1% will become terrorists) is pretty asinine. Last time I checked the French government has a better approval rating amongst muslims than the rest of the population, and yet there’s plenty here for a poor young muslim with no job and no prospects to lash out at and blame for his misfortunes. The restrictions on hijabs stand out as a great excuse for any devout to point to as evidence of state persecution. But it’s probably the casual, day-to-day racism in the form of “Arabs aren’t French” (despite the fact that France forced them to be French, despite hundreds of thousands of Muslim Arabs who died defending this country during the world wars), that would really wear a guy down.

You should meet the guy who installed a fire alarm in my apartment a couple of days ago. He was French. “Well, my mother was from Algeria, but that doesn’t count because she was Jewish, you understand?” He would have set you straight, given you some real insight.

If you’re actually interested in educating yourself, I would recommend the Moroccan films “The Sea is Behind” and “475”. They certainly don’t hold anything back, but they are significant as films made by Muslims, exposing the worst parts of their religion and forming part of a widespread populist movement in that part of the world towards modernisation and the gradual abolition of what remains of Sharia law. You might almost say that they’re doing exactly what you suggest in standing up against the hijacking of their religion, but you just didn’t give enough of a shit to notice.

Very, thanks. Listening to the radio here there are a lot of pundits who think they are being clever by saying “it’s not about religion, it’s about ideology.” They are just as wrong. We created a power vacuum, some nasty men took it, and now they’ll use whatever spin and lies they can to hold on to their claim and make it seem legitimate. They don’t care if you are devout or even if you believe their rhetoric, just as long as you are desperate and impressionable enough to do as you’re told.

So, nice to see a commentator in the media cutting through all of that. Thanks again.


The Republican “idea” is an amalgam of so many things. For instance, the old standbys of lower taxes and smaller government that gets out of people’s way. And personal freedom over laws that restrict people’s ability to self-determine. While not exclusively Republican ideas, and questionably implemented, those ideas are things the party holds as old, dear truths.

I know a lot of older Republicans who would express similar ideas if I asked them why they are Republican. Is it legit? Is it true?
In reality, you take the good with the bad. These same older Republicans also express a distaste for how the party has become a haven for fundamentalists and devious scoundrels.

Same could be said for Democrats, yeah no? Have you seen Hillary Clinton’s polls regarding “trust”? Do you TRUST her? I don’t. No more than I’d trust Ted Cruz, Ben Carson or Donald Trump.

So it’s this good-with-bad thing with party affiliates. They tend to overlook the bad and accentuate the good in order to maintain membership. That’s less of a Democrat/Republican thing, and more of a human thing.


Gotta watch those far-north New England Democrats. Those states are so white, a lot of the democrats are basically dixiecrats. My family on my mom’s side (multi-generation dairy farmers from Maine) are all democrats, but so racist I haven’t been on facebook in 8 years…


I realise I’m quoting myself, but, from what little I understand of politics in the muslim world there are parallels to be drawn with the widespread populist movement in our parts of the world towards modernisation of things like marriage and drug laws. Not I nor anyone else much noticed the King of Morocco fighting it out with his ministers to ban polygamy and arranged marriages, allow women to divorce, and so on, but that’s a thing that happened. Sure we’re a lot further along, but maybe not even that much further along. I’m told French women weren’t allowed to open their own bank accounts until 1965.

Sort of interesting to contrast that with claims to the effect that “Muslims should sort their shit out”, given the difficulties we have ourselves in terms of making social progress.


Who are the Rats supposed to be?

The supposed terrorist infiltrators amongst the refugees I’d assume.

I didn’t know that there were social weevils! I thought that was just something from Pogo.



No, see, that’s different!

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Yes, because all MOOOSLIMS are all alike, because only WHITE CHRISTIAN (MOSTLY MALE) EUROPEANS can possibly be complicated and complex… and don’t forget that there are ALWAYS extenuating circumstances for white people… because the west has everything perfect, and there is literally no value in anything else… duh. /s


Silly, that had not bearing on his change! It was something sneaky in the faith, see. I mean, when Christians are assholes, it’s just because they aren’t really following Jesus, but when Muslims do it, it’s because they are literally following their faith to the letter. It has nothing to do with history and context, silly. /s


Historically, that wasn’t true. That’s why they were left alone in their regions. They very much claimed to be “People of the Book,” which you probably know is a standard tactic for native religions in areas conquered by Islam.


.GIF bank!


The rat certainly has its place in Propaganda.


Much maligned, the poor rat.


Ben most people would turn you away;
I don’t listen to a word they say.
They don’t see you as I do;
I wish they would try to’
I’m sure they’d think again if they had a friend like Ben,
A friend like Ben
(Like Ben)
Like Ben


Heil Trump.


well the camps comment got him a big bump in the polls, so yeah why not go all out crazy. the rubes seem to eat it up.

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They have a book, but you’re not allowed to read it.

The Yazidi worship Malak Tawus, the Peacock Angel (“whom the benighted Shi’ites call Iblis, or Shaitan, or Satan” quoting Zelazny).