Good question. It’s more like $9 to manufacture and ship + lots of fees (e.g. child safety certifications) and taxes. Shipping alone via air fright is about $5.5k for only 1000. (Of course a lot less via sea freight, but it takes 30-60 days)
go the fuck away, please! this is not the place to advertise your insane gun-worshipping bullshit!
Welcome to BoingBoing!
You know what the no. 1 killer of children is in America right now. Guns.
This shit isn’t cute. We’re in a fucking crisis and making death sticks cute and cuddle does not help…
The people at your company who thought of this ought to be deeply ashamed of themselves, promoting the fetishization of firearms, and marketing it to kids.
All some people ever think about is how to line their pockets, even if it’s on the backs of dead children… And we wonder what’s wrong with our country… Shit like this.
And a not-so-fond farewell to Spammy McSpamface.
It’s only a matter of time before someone puts a real gun in one of these, assuming the manufacturer doesn’t already have a ‘tactical pocket’ ready to conceal a gun in the thing already.
We love minimalist gadgets, mixed martial arts, Jesus, and mountains.
What Would Jesus Do?
How did he post three times?
who the fuck cares? hes gone now…
(-ahem- to answer your question; he deleted the second post before posting a third time.)
Ya know, Kickstarter also ought to be reminded that this isn’t a good or cute thing.
ETA: Hey, look at the “prohibited items” list on Kickstarter! Go down to the last one.
Weapons, replicas of weapons, and weapon accessories.
Does it count? Yes, it’s a plushie, but it’s a plushie representing a weapon.
They certainly seem to like knives, too. Half this stuff wouldn’t make it through TSA.
Now I am considering joining Kickstarter just to report this awful product.
Took me forever to find the report button but it’s done now
… oh okay
I thought this was an actual gun that could be fired
I guess “yes, it’s real” meant something else
Got to turn them into no-plow shares. [Watches that show with a spider for the under 6 mo. set with the companion reader. So serious about EDC.]