Even conservatives admit Hillary Clinton made fools of the Benghazi committee

I wouldn’t say she’s a dolt. It’s not that. It’s that she is too cozy with the corporate fascists that control our country. So, it’s a different level of being fooled, if you will. It’s a different meaning to being fooled. It means that on a long-term outlook, she is integrated into the ethos that strongly enforces a plan that corporations, war, capitalism, doublespeak, centralism and might-makes-right are good for people.

It’s that. It’s not brain-intelligence. It’s a larger form of being fooled.

It’s like the Soviets fooling the people that what they were doing was in any way socialism. Or that China is in any way democratic. Well, the same kind of thing is happening here in America. The corporate fascists have the country by the gonads, and won’t let go until we make them let go. Which will take a lot of convincing, but for the long-term survival of our children’s children we have to. Capitalism, in its current form, is unsustainable. It’s a train-wreck waiting to happen. The growing authoritarianism of our federal government is also unsustainable.

So, don’t be fooled. That’s what we mean by foolish.


Insults are easy to reach for, aren’t they?

I support Bernie Sanders because I agree with more of his policy positions than Clinton’s. That doesn’t mean I think Clinton would be a disastrous president, nor do I see any point in carrying the Republicans’ water by carpetbombing our most likely nominee with insults.

I think I’m done here, except to reiterate that being dicks on the internet does not do Bernie any favors.


I assume by “they” you mean the reptilians.

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Ah, got it. You’re a Shadow Government conspiracy theorist who blames everything on the mysterious “them”. Here in the real world, we have free will.

Free Will is a christian plot to deny the nonexistence of god.


Just because they’re out of sight doesn’t mean they’re not there.



Calling Clinton “Herself” seems to be a National Review thing.

How about let’s find some other role models.

Sometimes it’s very hard not to ‘insult’ someone, particularly if they take spirited debate to be somehow beyond the pale. My entire ethos is an insult to most; I consider the majority of people to be dupes. That’s my whole fucking thesis.

When someone says such a possibility is unconscionable, because so many precious little flowers will have their feelings crushed by being told they’re a pack of stupid children for believing the obvious bullshit for the umpteenth time, that’s serving the scumbags holding both the red and blue sock-puppets. And it’s certainly no service to the greater good.

Imagine for a moment that I’m totally correct, and there you are, whining about how the truth is going to hurt a few feelings.

Should the populace actually be allowed to give Hillary the benefit of the doubt without being called fuckwits for it? When you can find headlines that literally say her backers are a who’s who of the world’s most evil corporations? When she tells us to wait for answers to important questions until she’s president? When she supports the TPP to the hilt for years, and then supposedly turns on a dime when it’s apparent that anyone who gives a shit and isn’t a corporate shill sides with Bernie? And when her ‘turnaround’ is couched in enough lawyerly qualifications for her to reverse a truck through?

Wake the fuck up, America. The world seriously needs you to stop being a pack of selfish, whiny infants who delight in being drenched in star-spangled bullshit. It’s well past time to stand up for something you can actually be proud of. The New Deal, the moon landing, forever ago. It’s time to atone for Milton fucking Friedman and Ronald bloody Reagan. Not to mention Rumsfeld, Cheney, Kissinger, Nixon, and all the other fucking war criminals your idiocracy considers ‘leaders’.



You forgot to use the word “sheeple.” We will take you seriously if you use the word “sheeple.” Promise.


Given that the details of the TPP have been under wraps for years, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to support something that your boss is championing, and then change your mind when you actually get to read its details.


How can you support something you know next to nothing about? Same here in Europe with the TTIP: Only the EU commission and some industry lobbyists are informed about the negotiations but nearly all national governments are in favour of the treaty.


If you’re the Secretary of State, and your boss – the President – is drafting a bill in secret and telling you as well as everyone else that it’s terrific, chances are you aren’t going to publicly say “I DO NOT TRUST MY BOSS THE PRESIDENT.” You’re going to tell everyone that the TPP will be great. Once you actually get to see it, and you disagree with it, I’d think telling people it’s not so great is a good idea.

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I try not to lie, not even as a favour for my boss. She could have said “I don’t have an opinion about TPP”.

Remember: it’s only your assumption she was lying. Just like you and I, the Secretary of State can only form opinions based on the information they are given. If they’re told the TPP is excellent, great. If they find out it sucks, they can state that. It’d be foolish to be told by all sides around you that it’s terrific and then to state “I HAVE NO OPINION”.

No, it’s not foolish. It is foolish to accept “it’s terrific, believe me, don’t ask about facts” as argument.

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Is it? If the facts literally aren’t available – as the actual document hasn’t been released – why would you assume your boss is lying? Personally, I give her credit for saying “Hey, I was wrong. I’m better informed now. Here’s the facts as I understand them.” But I understand that if you’re predisposed to dislike Hillary, you wouldn’t.

It is better to announce an error, but I don’t think she was correct in endorsing TPP without knowing hard data. Not sure why you try to pull this on a “dislike Clinton” level.

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Agreed that Hillary should have done better than to vote how she did on the Iraq war authorization. There were many of us civilians on the Left who knew the runup to the Iraq war was absolutely bogus, and all we had access to was civilian information.

That said, here were are with a choice to make - whatever bunch of clowns the GOP staggers forward, or an actually competent President.

If Sanders makes it to the Democratic nomination, I’ll happily vote for him. If Hillary does, I’ll happily vote her. Because a President Trump, Carson, Bush, or any of those other tools is a definite return to 2000-2008, probably even worse.


I knew you’d say that.

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