Even conservatives admit Hillary Clinton made fools of the Benghazi committee

You know, I’m planning to vote for Bernie Sanders, but it’s his ardent supporters like you that make me reconsider that decision.

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Tell me how that can make any sense.


I very clearly remember when I heard Bush declare war: I was driving home and listening to NPR. I also very clearly remember what I did. I exclaimed to the interior of my otherwise empty car: BULLSHIT!!! Puhleeze. 72% favored the Iraq war? BULLSHIT!!! It was bullshit then and it’s still bullshit.


I’m willing to believe that he’s good people, but his rhetoric and personal attacks are not, in my eyes, doing Bernie’s campaign any favors.

He probably can’t even vote in the US. I think he’s over in the UK and just commenting from a distance. I don’t know why he’s bugging you so much?

Bernie would not call his opponents slimeballs, shills, and scumbags; it’s a massive turnoff when his supporters do. And they do. And it hurts his campaign.

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He called Trump a “carnival barker” in the debate. He’s not somehow above any namecalling whatsoever. He has simply chosen not to engage Hillary Clinton on that level.

If you think there is no grain of truth in those labels, as applied to Hillary Clinton, what news sites are you reading and why are you even a Bernie supporter?


It’s called concern trolling.



This ^


They (the party leadership) differ in their implementation of authoritarian capitalism and a few policies for their supporters, and they tell people that there is no alternative to that.

They then act shocked when they see how many people they have alienated who are now supporting people like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn. What they don’t see are the people who got burned one too many times, who can’t trust the newly credible alternative to really be an alternative. They don’t see that they are to blame for that.

But, yes, even before that Democrat/Labour were not the same as Republican/Tory.

Class traitor or not, he’s a hundred times better than the alternative.
Nicky Wire (Manic Street Preachers), about Tony Blair


(Nearly) all the anti-war, anti-security state, anti-Wall Street boingers are starting to get their minds around the idea of happily voting for Herself.

It’s probably not a good idea to distract them while they work on disabling their senses of cognitive dissonance.


I’ll put it this way: if she’s the nominee, is she a worse choice than, say, Trump? Or Ted Cruz? Or Marco Rubio?

Sometimes one must make a decision that isn’t ideal but is vastly better than the insane alternative.


That’s fine, but three years into her term when we’ve got a couple of new wars going on, bankers are thriving with a continuation of zero interest Federal money, and a few more privacy rights have been eroded, don’t forget to remind yourself that you voted for it all.

Personally I have not voted for a major party candidate for President since 1996.


Those are interesting, cynical predictions that I don’t buy into, myself. If the choice is to choose the lesser of two evils –- one who actually stands up for things I believe in –– or refuse to participate at all, I’d rather participate. If bad things come, they come. We’re not voting for a dictator.


One of the best Australian films ever!

ETA:“Pig’s arse”. John Elliott, is that you?

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That’s their game. Make one candidate transparently awful, so everyone will vote for the other candidate, who’s still completely a tool of the oligarchs. If enough people rejected your reasoning and voted green (or even libertarian), it wouldn’t apply anymore.


There’s more than enough to go around.


I’m not a big fan of Joschka Fischer but he made two great quotes in his political career:

Excuse me, I am not convinced.
(When Rumsfeld tried to justify the Iraq war)
With all due respect, Mr President, you are an asshole.
(early in his career in a parliament discussion)

Clinton was fooled. Sanders was not fooled. Further information is likely to be extraneous post hoc rationalization.


If that’s true, then she’s a complete fucking idiot. I don’t think that the available evidence support that assessment of her, though.