🍊🍊🍊🤡🤡 Even More Trumpian Events 🤡🤡🍊🍊🍊 (Part 1)

But that isn’t what made him connect with every man across the continental United States—that was reserved for the moment when he had to drop money in the collection bucket. That’s when the president pulled money from his wallet, flipped through it, counted it, held it up to the sky so the people in the back could see that they were, indeed, $20 bills. He shuffled them through his hands, leaned over to Melania and shout-whispered: “I’m bout to put all these twenties in the money bucket!” He then balled one of the twenties up, shook it in his hand, and shot it like dice. He then picked the twenty up and smoothed it over his knee before finally placing it in the bucket.

If there wasn’t video proof I would have guessed this story was a joke. Because that’s the world we live in now.

And he looked so pleased with himself afterward.

It’s probably the first time he’s ever given anything charitable (it was probably taxpayer dollars, though – so maybe not actually charitable).


Are we sure it wasn’t rubles?


4-4 vote - a few weeks from now this would have been a different ruling.


eh. well, the sentence that’s cut off in the quote is him saying, i could call them up i could do that, but i don’t. nobody gives me credit for that. ( approximately )

he has committed crimes not least by profiting off of his hotels where people book exorbitant rooms, and by memberships at his golf clubs ( where he’s always at, no coincidence there. ) but he doesn’t have to call them. they do it without prompting


Another rich, famous Black dude “who’s already got his” who can straight go fuck himself.

Anybody rich talking about voting for 45 can miss me with that bullshit.


I thought he was “Trump rich” now? Didn’t he go bankrupt?


Not since 2017, apparently.

I’d boycott Power, but I don’t even watch that garbage-ass soap opera to begin with.


He was just taking “Trump rich” to the logical extreme.

As an aside, 50 Cent is a shitty rapper. As Afroman once said of 50, “open your mouth!” By many accounts he’s a shitty person too. I guess it’s no surprise he’s a Trump supporter.


Right. License his name - spend like a sieve - don’t pay the suckers - and only suckers pay taxes?


Is that the look he had when he found out that Weird Al Yankovic’s parody of Ridin’ Dirty was better than the original?


Repeat after me in old timey 1920’s NY gangster speak: “Sure it didn’t happen. Wudda you look’n at?”



It never happened? Not even in the last campaign, when Rex Tillerson was the head of Exxon?


You know that I’m not one to defend that PoS “president” of yours but I’m pretty sure in that clip he’s saying, in his supremely stupid way, he could ask for donations like that but he doesn’t do it. Of course that’s a lie but I wouldn’t call it admitting to a crime.


Why he believes Trump fans should ‘know better’ this time

“I empathize, but more so four years ago. The big parade comes to your town, and if you feel like you haven’t been on a winning team in life for a while, you hitch your wagon to the underdog. And that was Donald Trump four years ago. Now, four years later, I understand a lot of people bring different things to these candidates. And I do empathize with that, but people didn’t know better and were taken advantage of by people who did know better four years ago. People know better now. And so my temper is shorter, my fuse is shorter, because we’ve been through four years that I think have been actually pretty consequential for this country. And I think the rhetoric he used four years ago could have been considered ‘that’s just talk’ and he’s not racist, these are just illusions. I think he’s been pretty clear. There’s a reason I’m not interviewing Donald Trump—probably because he would say no—but also because there’s nothing revealing about Donald Trump. I don’t think he’s hiding anything. And so I think it’s more interesting to talk to the people at the rallies because they’re doing the hard work of trying to turn the B.S. into some sort of logic that makes sense inside their head.”


You think he’s gonna use his remaining time to try to get things right with God and attempt to at least do some good while he can…

Lol absolutely not. He might double down on acting like a complete asshole.


On Sunday the President made a rare trip to CA, to attend a fundraiser. As the Pod Save America guys pointed out, this is pretty good news. There’s no way that any campaign would take a day off from doing events in important swing states to go raise money in CA just two weeks before the election unless the campaign was so broke that they had no other choice. (Or, admittedly, they could just be really bad at the whole campaign business, which is probably true regardless.)