Seriously, at this point the FDA should lock him in a room. That’s what they do to pharma companies that repeatedly violate labeling restrictions. They show up at the plant with chains and a padlock, evacuate the building, and padlock all the doors. No production until you’re back in their good graces.
He is testing to see how far he can rule by proclamation, and ignore all other branches of government.
Since neither the courts nor Congress can give direct orders in chain of command to either law enforcement or the military, we depend on the Executive Branch’s subordinates following their oaths to the Constitution. It seems at the moment as if that is clinging to a slender reed.
You know, my brain kept making me think it was like a Bad Lip Reading song, but… that was actually his own nonsense.
Don’t expect a quick ruling: The complaint is filed with the FEC, which does not have enough commissioners to enforce federal campaign-finance laws.
I’m sure that Trump will get right on that.
First the GoP tries to hide funding for a new FBI building in their most recent Covid “relief” bill and now that the same bill is being used to fund fighter jets. Fighter jets. Because fighter jets cure the rona?
What the ever loving fuck?
This new effort by the GOP should really be called “Fuck you America!”.
Writ of Mandamus.
judges can insert themselves into those chains if they want to
otherwise they really wouldn’t have any power at all
Looking at you Ken.
That depends on having a rogue executive actually obey them. Whom are Federal law enforcement going to follow if Trump orders them to act in open defiance of court orders? When they know that they will be fired and possibly punished extrajudicially for obeying the law, but might get away with flouting it?
“John Marshall has made his decision. Now, let him enforce it.”
The quote is apocryphal - it didn’t show up till long after Jackson’s death. And the issue of state nullification is long since settled. Also - the person the decision was about and who was improperly imprisoned was actually let free in compliance with the order. Not immediately- but released.
But yes - criminals will attempt to break the law. None have been successful at this level. And Donnie keeps backing down on these things. He prefers to wait and come back at it again sideways. And he’s just not in a position to make that work more than a few months.
But again - none of that means that the court doesn’t have the power to make such orders. They do.
No argument that they do have the power under the law. I’m not as confident as you are that the institutions haven’t been subverted beyond repair, replacing the rule of law with the law of the ruler, or that the Constitution will emerge intact from the chaos.
A more reliably attributed version of Jackson’s remark would be “the decision of the Supreme Court has fell still born, and they find that they cannot coerce Georgia to yield to its mandate.” He put that one in writing. It’s not as catchy, which is why Greeley’s apocryphal one is the one that’s remembered.
The institutions are only as committed as we are. And I’m damn committed. And Donnie is weak - and getting weaker every day.
Maybe we should put more effort into winning than pearl clutching?
Hey! Dem pearls ain’t gonna clutch themselves, ya know what I mean?
30 BILLION worth of defense spending, here’s a list: