🍊🍊🍊🤡🤡 Even More Trumpian Events 🤡🤡🍊🍊🍊 (Part 1)

Thanks. It’s always interesting how shameless and inventive US Republicans are when it comes to destroying good things. Reminds me a lot of what the Tories in the UK are currently doing to the NHS. Like the USPS a universally loved institution and yet something they want to get rid of in favour of private “enterprise”, i.e. their chums and donors.


The particularly head-desk aspect of this is that the USPS is mandated to go to every single address in the country, no matter how rural, for the exact same cost per item. This is not cost-effective for for-profit companies, so they engage in what is called the “last mile” delivery swap: they charge a lot more money to get an envelope or package from one of their pick-up locations to a major distribution point somewhat near the addressee, and then hand it off to the USPS to deliver the final leg of the journey. You know: the expensive, time-consuming part of the process.

Guess where a majority of Republican voters live?




There’s a town at the far end of 50-mile-long Lake Chelan called Stehekin that is not accessible by road. Whether there’s a storm, or the lake is iced over, the USPS delivers mail to Stehekin.


…but it’s perfectly fine for kids to go back to school according to them.


For now…


It’s not to reduce risk of RNC members catching the ‘Rona. It’s to reduce the risk of journalists catching RNC members saying stupid shit about the ‘Rona.


So they’re okay with absentee reporting? /makes a note


They’re going to be live-streaming parts of the convention so I’m sure we’ll hear at least a few attendees saying stupid shit about the pandemic.

One part that is NOT planned to be streamed is the formal vote to re-nominate Trump. I suspect they’re worried at least one delegate might humiliate Trump by putting forward a protest vote.


I think if they had any sense in their heads, there would be a fullscale revolt. Have they not considered the fact that after the election he will have no reason to care about offending them, or destroying the party completely?

If he has been this bad while worrying about getting elected, imagine what he is gonna do when it doesn’t matter whether the congress supports him, or even gets re-elected next time. He has absolutely no reason to have any consideration or party loyalty going forward. I think the republican party is gonna get exactly what it deserves if he wins.


It’s an article of faith with them that the private sector is more efficient1) than the public sector. And when reality contradicts that faith, well, reality has to be changed according to ideology, hasn’t it?

1) They tend to be a bit vague about the actual metrics here. But I’m almost positive it has nothing to do with creating ways to funnel tidy sums into cronies’ pockets and party propaganda funds, as they are so obviously motivated solely by the goodness and kindness of their hearts, bless their pure little souls.


Roger Stone Says Donald Trump Should Use Presidential Power to Control Debates

During an online panel put on by LaRouchePAC, titled “How to Stop the Ongoing Coup Against the Constitution and the Presidency,” Stone said he hoped Trump did not agree to the current schedule for presidential debates, as Trump has no control over the Commission on Presidential Debates, which Stone said was not about debate but “limiting debate.”

“I think the president can command how and when and under what format he debates, and he should use that power to control the dialogue on debates and to control what debates are ultimately heard by the American people,” Stone said.

Yes, Lyndon LaRouche stalks America from the grave. No, I mean really.

March 19, 2020

LaRouche Addresses Coronavirus Crisis in 1998

In 1998, Lyndon LaRouche presented a speech, “How the Top 1% of Americans Think.” Not the top 1% who are rich, but Americans who decided to think their way through an international financial collapse and the spread… read more

It’s interesting to see him, dead as a doornail, addressing today’s pressing problems like a prophet from the past…


Wow, just… wow. Pence has really funny ideas about his own religious morality given that association.


Maybe this is why Barr waffles when questioned about foreign interference in the next election?


Misogyny is baked into his faith. No cognitive dissonance required.


"If the reports are accurate, the letter states, Chapman’s actions could be in violation of the Hatch Act, which prevents federal employees from engaging in certain political activities, such as partisan campaigning for candidates."


A few more insights from insiders about the Bible photo op debacle:


they’re just trying to be consistent in showing how much they care about teachers


Yeah, we’re getting a picture of that (very low) level, that’s for sure.