Every point this anti-LBGTQ+ leader in Arkansas makes is stupid beyond belief


excuse me that is what meth is for


The joke I heard at a Christian college was:

“What’s the difference between a Baptist and a Methodist?”

“The Methodist will say hi to you in the liquor store.”


i feel jordan klepper made his own stumble there.

he seemed to be playing on an idea of how can you tell what is and isn’t gay vs what is or isn’t for the family. but really the point should be that gay stores are family stores at least as much as any store can be. there’s no dichotomy there to play off.

seconded! ( or I guess thirded :slight_smile: )


I’ve spent a lot of time in Eureka Springs and have some very good friends there. Up until the mid-70’s it was a Christian Dominionist, VERY conservative town dominated by the busloads of midwesterners coming to town for the Passion Play. Then the hippies and the gays recognized what a little architectural jewel of a town it is, and started to move in and open boutiques, and BnB’s, and gradually the economy and the makeup of the town shifted.

There is still a contingent of chucklefucks like this preacher, but they are totally outnumbered now, as the results from the vote have shown. Now the Passion Play struggles to survive, and the town thrives.

It’s well worth a visit if you happen to be heading that way.


His freedom cancels everyone else’s freedom. His religious freedom–manifested, apparently, in freedom from discomfort while walking around downtown–cancels every other freedom possessed by anyone.
We have no good common understanding of what freedom is in this country. Until then, we have, uh, low-information folks such as this who think their opinion has some value.


Only the intolerant don’t eat ice cream.
The lactose intolerant.


I wish that we could wipe out all intolerance, once and for all. Then all go out for sundaes (without a bunch of us having to take lactaid any more or suffer discrimination and hate)


It’s been observed that these kinds of homophobes seem to spend more time thinking about gay sex than people who actually have gay sex do, and transphobes seem to spend more time thinking about transgender people’s genitals than transgender people spend thinking about them.


What She Said GIF by The Free Mama
I’ve known gay people and homophobes, the homophobes talked about gay sex way more than the gay people did. I have always found that funny.


Pastor Christie just wants to be sure when he visits his Larry Craig Memorial Restroom that he can get the kind of special friend he wants in the next stall. How deep in the closet is this guy? Look at that suit!


Just based on the post’s title, I’ll skip the video. I dread there aren’t enough kitteh videos to aid in psychological recuperation.


Me, too! Funny in the WTF?!? form of funny.
The fixation of politicians on the genitalia (of children, often) and consensual sexual habits of random adult strangers could really do with a little more investigative reporting. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Sometimes I wonder if these people remember when they were kids and did all the exploration and sex play that is common…and now they know all the taboos about that connection with others of their own sex. And they miss that fun but can’t permit themselves the pleasure that felt so good, so natural. They constantly battle against those feelings and need to perpetuate the hate they felt when they were true to their own nature. At war with themselves, they end up carrying the flag of their enemy. If they drop their pretense even for a minute, they may find themselves snuggled up against someone who is honest about their feelings. Maybe they can ignore their own truth and follow the more common path without resorting to hate. I’ve known men who realize what they are doing but play the role of a faithful husband, a loving father. They do honestly love their partners and kids and at the same time a hollow wind passes through them, rattles their souls with a longing for more. I respect these individuals much more than the hate preachers and yet I feel the terrible pain they suffer for denying their own reality. A world that could recognize and respect these people would be amazing. Such a dreamer I am, ah well.


That’s what those are?

I had assumed that they were celebrating the promise of God to never send another flood…

(but srsly, some people are genuinely pissed that “the gays” “stole our rainbow!”)


Ice cream may be gender neutral, but I think this anti-LBGTQ+ “Christian” is more concerned that it will lead down a slippery slope. Rainbow sprinkles are Satan’s nonpareils, after all! /s


Beat me to it! I grew up in the Deep South state of Alabama, which could be a twin to Arkansas with its theocratic worldview.

If Xtians are not whining, pissing, and moaning about being persecuted, they have NOTHING. This is a self-victimizing religion that is unfit for civil society.


Yeah. I’m all for freedom of religion, and people being able to worship as they see fit, or not at all… but when the line is crossed between someone practicing their religion and trying to impose it on the rest of us, then there is no room for the latter.


But don’t you know, acknowledging LBGTQ+ people exist is discriminatory against them /s


and it’s not like there aren’t gay christians out there. it must be super frustrating ( an understatement im sure ) to have the most backwards people in your religion act as if they are the rightful leaders.