Evidently, Ted Cruz has to show his ID to buy a cheeseburger

It’s not just that this is the darkest timeline.
It’s that this the darkest, stupidest timeline.


Cruz looks disreputable, and certainly looks like the sort that would do a runner if he could grab the food without paying first, so it’s perfectly reasonable to ask for ID.
Personally, if he he turned up in a restaurant in Australia I would hold his passport until he had paid and exited the business, just to make sure he had physically left.






Although I haven’t really been to it in the last two years(*) for obvious reasons, I have a membership at one of the Chicago-area dungeons. The policy has always been everyone that passes through the door gets their ID checked, no exceptions. I’ve had times where the person checking IDs and I have been to each other’s homes or even played together and they still check my ID every single time. I’ve never complained and I don’t recall ever hearing anyone else complain either. Those policies are there to protect the club and its membership.

(There have been rare posts from people asking if they still have to show proof of vaccination. The club is standing by the policy and hasn’t budged an inch on it and I suspect they won’t. The people who complain have been told publicly that they do not have to be members if they don’t want to, but there are no exceptions to this policy. That makes me feel even more adamant about maintaining my membership even if I’m rarely using it right now.)

  • – Once. Once in two years. Masked the entire time, and we stayed maybe two hours. Even then, we were mostly there for the fundraising auction.

I think you misunderstand. I don’t think you ought to have to have any form of ID to vote, except maybe a voter registration card, which should be free. I’m just saying I always remember having to show ID. I know what vote suppression is, thanks.

Gawd, just finally made myself watch the actual video.

  1. To reiterate what so many have already said, what a fucking asshole.
  2. WTF airline is he flying that still serves peanuts??? The last few times I flew, they were a no go due to fears about allergies (this was pre-COVID).
  3. He did say it wrong - no one is checking your ID to buy a hamburger. Every place with occupancy rules offers curbside pick-up or delivery as an option.

I don’t know why people feel the need to defend or interpret this shit. He’s intentionally speaking the wrong words to rile up violence. Fuck him. Stop “translating” for him.


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