Exclusive: Shocking Raw Footage From Donald Trump Rally

Sure, Hitler is bad, but this Otto Wels fellow isn’t perfect either, you know…

So… “I’ve got mine, fuck the rest of the world,” eh? That’s a morally defensible position…

No, it won’t be. There are some fundamental differences between the parties and the types of candidates - and voters - they’ve been nurturing. The Democratic party, in its current form, would not, could not, nominate a Trump. It’s false equivalency all the way down, apparently…


Funny heard that line with Trump and the Republican Party before.

There are some who learn and others who don’t get the lesson and keep on with the racism, militarism, and flag fetish. “Make America great again” indeed, heard that line before too.

Oh just tell me quick who in the western hemisphere took a shitload of those syrian and iraqi refugees in and who is responsible for creating the conditions leading to their flight.


There’s always more than two. Remember all those people who voted Nader because Al Gore is a corporate shill and exactly the same as Bush? They kept telling themselves that all through the Bush years, too. They even insisted Gore would have invaded Iraq. I knew a few personally - goddam they were smug.

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Says the non-U.S. citizen who doesn’t live in the U.S.

C’mon, man. You’re better than this. I hope you are, anyway.


And it brought us this gem of a music video:


it really shows that he has no clue about the real world effect someone like Trump can/do have on race relations in the US.


I’m just flummoxed that anyone would make the case for isolated, self-contained fallout given that the U.S. is kinda sorta on the same planet as everyone else. Granted, it doesn’t always seem like it at times (especially if you live here).


I think it’s a bit of wanting to feel some schadenfreude if this happens to us. Being able to laugh at the country at the top of the heap probably would make some people feel better. To be fair to that, the US has acted with such disregard and arrogance over the years, that I can totally understand that view point. But there are going to be real world consequences and as usual, those are never borne by the ones who are the architects of the world as it stands.


Back in March (maybe February) of this year, I read a story profiling the different types of Trump supporters. The smallest minority were a handful of far-lefties who wanted to see the U.S. crash and burn, the sooner the better.

F—k those people.

ETA: They were white. Of course.


Of course. White people often have a weird sense of entitlement that the whole world is built about them and around them and for them, and needs to bow to their needs. Any decisions they make rarely touches them in the way others who don’t have their privilege will be effected. It’s like the Weathermen or the Bader-Meinhoff gang all over again, romanticizing revolution and ignoring what that actually means.

I want change too, but causing the whole country to take a huge leap backwards by electing a white, nationalist, authoritiarian (or one who plays one on TV) isn’t going to help. It’s wishing for the destruction that revolution often requires, but not caring about the consequences, because one knows you aren’t going to bear the brunt of them…


I agree that this video makes light of a serious issue: the loss of jobs from much of the non-urban areas of the US.

The irony is that Trump has so many of his Trump-branded products made in other parts of the world, so they aren’t really voting in their best interests if jobs is the main issue.

And education is also part of that equation, since most of Trump’s audience mistrusts facts, figures, data, polls, and anyone with glasses on TV that says “Trump’s trade policies and tax plan will ruin the economy and balloon the debt.”

Trump keeps thinking he can win over disaffected Bernie voters, without much success, but I bet Hillary could win over some Trump voters if she loudly proposed a plan to bring manufacturing jobs back to the midwest and rural south.


Our idea of “fair” is broken, it would appear.


The irony is that a lot of the people affected have directly contributed to their own financial issues by repeatedly voting in corporate toadies who really work for the 1%, institute policies that directly financially harm the people they supposedly represent, and then get F_ING RE-ELECTED because they love Jeebus, or promise to do away with the oh so scary brown people.

When you have people who are stupid enough to vote directly against their own self interests (and not even in some sort of altruistic “greater good” sense). The dumb have caused their own demise to some degree, and are hell bent on taking the rest of the country with them.

I suspect that “Making America Great Again! tm.” is probably secret code for doing exactly the opposite.


If you look at the lineup of Democrats vying for the presidential nomination, you have to go back to George Wallace’s run in 1964 to find any candidate who is even remotely as bad as the vermin who regularly run on the Republican side.

Oh just tell me quick who in the western hemisphere took a shitload of those syrian and iraqi refugees in

Turkey? (OK, not “western hemisphere.”)

Assad? Longer term, if you include the instability of the Iraq invasion, maybe Britain, since Blair et al were the ones who established the case for invasion. Even longer term, Britain again, for their imperial role in drawing all those artificial lines in the Middle East. Or maybe Germany, as Aleppo remains a symbol of Vichy French control of Syria.


That would be both dominant parties since Carter. Not much choice for these folks really. It seems to me extremely mean spirited to blame their lack of options on obvious stupidity. These people weren’t/aren’t stupid; since the seventies they haven’t been represented, or considered even.

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And fetuses. In fact, possibly mostly that.


Lots of people don’t live in the US, i don’t myself. Something we encounter a lot here outside, is people like that bright spark, there are many like him in my country. They like to criticise the US for its faults, without giving it full credit for its virtues, and they LOVE to imagine that our own States would somehow be different if it had been us with the Superpowered economy and all that goes with it.
Simply looking at history proves we didn’t. Not Rome, not GB, not Germany, not the Dutch, not Spain.

One thing I remember to balance tRump with, is how all the tolerance and intelligence and honesty is on the side opposing him. We got just as many arseholes as you guys, but we certainly don’t have the same number of sane, determined advocates as you. We had local body elections last month, no one even stood in six suburbs ! and only 43% bothered to vote !
You guys are great, he is going to fail, and you will perfect your Union. I have absolute faith in you.


What, you think the lines were not artificial before that?. Seen photos from space, ever?. notice any clear lines on the globe?. How far back do you go before you say the divisions were “good”?. How many Empires further back do you believe the lines were more just?.

i think the latest research has a branch of extinct hominids being supplanted by Neanderthal in the middle east, circa 140 000 bc. Lets force everyone out, give it back to Alley Opp

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Seriously, thank you for having so much faith in us. I really appreciate it even if it’s more faith than I have some days…


I don’t know what you think I am trying to say. I’m just tired of people trying to blame the middle east situation on the US (and Clinton in particular, which is just bizarre). Most of the issues in that region can be traced back a long way, even before Clinton was a senator, even before Bush, and many people in many places are complicit in the situation, both historically and recently.