Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/05/facebook-makes-boogaloo-gr.html
How many cops and national guardsmen are Boogaloo sympathizers? Their groupthink needs to be aggressively rooted out.
Rather than ban the users and the groups they just make the groups harder to find? Good job.
Here’s an idea, Mark: why not make them unfindable, as in, non-existent?
That makes too much logical sense.
Meanwhile, a sudden rise on Blue Igloo groups.
You’re a fan of those coolers as well?
Oh look, they’re already there:
A Facebook group called Blue Igloo that organized carrying weapons in downtown Raleigh, NC, shows how COVID pandemic restrictions is helping fuel the boogaloo movement. Boogaloo is shorthand for a civil war among militia groups, white supremacists. By Kevin Keister
Read more here: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article242657956.html#storylink=cpy
At least we’ve still got our shared love of blue goo.
(as an aside, I assume that there’s likely some real overlap in interest in the groups…)
Keep them for FBI surveillance?
Hey, as long as Facebook has stopped recommending “boogaloo” groups this issue is done and dusted. Right? /s
Facebook is such a miserable pile of steaming feces.
How brave of them.
The GOP is the “Big Igloo” party.
Christ, I hope Zuck doesn’t go after my “Bugaloos” group.
How about a concerted effort to figure out the crossover of membership of police/military/ice etc… and these facebook groups, and then dishonorably discharging/firing with prejudice all these a-holes?
Then set up a bunch of decoy groups to attract the same. Make it so racist a-holes never know if the group they’re joining is quite possibly a fake designed to lure them out.
If you’re not going to ban this sort of crap wholesale, then at least use it to root out the rot within.
There was a really interesting blog post on these nutty groups on bellingcat. They are really odd and I am sure capable of violence. the study of their imagery, references was realling interesting and the bleed between incel/supremacy/alt-right/racist is alarming
What we really need is an announcement for an “Electric Boogaloo: Breakdance 2” remake to crapflood the hashtag.
That was a fascinating article and I just read the whole thing. But the title is a bit misleading because the text showed the boogaloo movement is exactly what I thought it was.
Stuff like that should be required reading for every journalist. The inside knowledge from Bellingcat’s embedded investigators really cuts through the layers of irony and symbolism these kinds of groups use to confuse journalists and law enforcement.
That was an insane read. Thanks for posting. That movement seems to be a textbook example of online incestuous amplification.
Steaming piles of feces indicate effective digestive processes and are useful as organic fertilizer. To compare Facebook to feces is unfair to feces everywhere. Toxic waste, maybe?