Facial Fitness PAO: weighted rubber wings you put in your mouth and waggle up and down

Yes. The 24 hours/89 days payout is in the Amazon Affiliate agreement (last I checked). Your proposal is plausible however, due to strict Amazon rules about artificially gaming the links to increase revenue, Boing Boing cannot endorse your suggestion.

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I endorse his suggestion.


In particular, I endorse the idea of checking out that laptop or commercial restaurant equipment or Merovingian Shitting Throne you’ve had your eye on, after clicking an Amazon referral link that I have posted.



Doh! I just re-read the agreement, and it looks like I misremembered the details (or it has been changed). I recalled that promoting links was prohibited, but I can’t find any language to that exact effect now. I should have checked the current agreement before posting. Not quite a “Snopes before you post” moment but still on me.



Looks like it would train the neck muscles instead of the face.

There’s a rather funny older “facial yoga” vid that I couldn’t find so I subbed that one. It is a thing that seems to pop up every so often. Face exercises always seem so pointless to me - though Lion is da bomb.

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