Family finds pepperoni swastika on their Little Caesars pizza

Yeah, there’s not nearly enough pepperoni on there.





This kinda reminds me of the time I used to work at a kitchen in an upscale grocer. It was a miserable mismanaged place where seniority meant everything. When holiday season came around you could get away with doing anything, because they didn’t want to hire extra staff and everyone was working 12 hour shifts and we were still behind.

There was a hispanic guy that used to draw giant swastickas and penises in the employee elevators and bathrooms during this time. He did it in front of people (myself included) and it served two purposes. it his a way of saying fuck this job, and identifying who the rats are. If you did snitch, he would use his seniority and say he saw you do it then it would become hearsay. Because there was no CCTV there wasn’t any real proof and lower management wouldn’t want to deal with it and move on.

During that same time another person stole about 900 dollars worth of beef from the kitchen. You had to get a key from a manager for the meat locker and they logged who had the key. It was clear as day who it was but they waited three months to fire him because they couldn’t afford to lose someone during the holiday season.

And it wasn’t Papa John’s? Huh.


They ordered Little Caesars and ended up getting Papa John’s.


Nooooooooooo. I swear I’m not a fascist, but pineapple has no place on my pizza! Neither do anchovies…


Coming from a small town where the repulsive toxic comforts of whiteness ooze through the streets as much as the boredom of living there - especially if you’re an uneducated, uninspired goon - makes me think of simpler times. It gives me hope that I’ve broken that cycle.
I guess any youth group would say, if you get them by five years old you’ll have them for life. The garbage these kids must have consumed in their lives is so readily available and in almost complete privacy. Highly unlikely they would talk about this stuff with their parents. If education is the antidote to this disgusting behaviour, then empathy training should be mandated starting in kindergarten.
But conditioning little narcissistic $5 pizza consumers is more cost effective I guess.

Antifa pizza deals with pineapple by saying that you can choose not to have pineapple but it is a valid part of the menu.

Fascist pizza deals with pineapple by eradicating pineapple plants

Centrist pizza can’t understand why they won’t meet halfway


If there are folks here saying youth and racism and sexism are mutually exclusive, I’m missing it.

I agree handwaving these things is tiresome. I haven’t seen the folks here handwaving it. Disagreement about the weight of causes, sure. In what I was responding to it was the idea that youth is a factor helping to explain. Not the sole cause.

People talk about why things happen and their causes and influences, impulsivity figures among influences, as does everything else that was brought up. Do you think impulsivity would only be germane if we hadn’t yet heard of their firing? Not trying to be antagonistic or say you should have sympathy for anyone. Genuinely curious why no reason to bring up youthful impulsiveness in a wider discussion of an act of hate by kids/teens? Well, apparently assumed to be perpetrated by kids/teens. I think we’d agree the bigger issue is that the hate exists in the first place, but I don’t think, in the context of this board, the bigger issue of hate is being derailed with the idea of impulsivity as a factor in this particular appearance of an act of hate.

I think we can see the difference when that phrase boys will be boys is used to fully excuse behavior vs. someone saying youths are impulsive (in the context they gave) is read as them (potentially) saying boys will be boys and therefore there should be no consequences.

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First of all “we” had no reason to assume these are teens who did this so bringing it up at all is pure conjecture in the first place. Bringing up whoever did this by reminding us they might possibly be teenage boys and of course not fully in control is both conjecture and pearl clutching over the feelings of racist assholes. It also happens to fall into a pattern of making shitty excuses for assholes when they are also presumed to be white young men doing racist shit, which apparently is something really important to you and that you think is worth standing up for. I couldn’t even begin to imagine why. You do you though. Personally, I think there’s too much enabling of this kind of shit already.

Lastly… When you reply to me there is no we. I am not struggling with finding middle ground between two extremes no matter how hard you pretend I am. Don’t know where you are getting that but it’s tiresome and a bit dishonest. I am not arguing some abstract
or even extreme point. I am saying that in this case it is problematic to wring hands over some racist asshats getting fired because they might be teens.

And yes I do think the need/impulse to invent a narrative of innocence where one finds racism is problematic. Deeply problematic. It is fine if you don’t think that’s a problem. I’m not trying to convince you.

Let me be perfectly unambiguous: whatever the age (or gender really) of these assholes … fuck them. They do not need excuses made for them.


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