The Proud Boys were deliberately designed as a more “acceptable” version of the street fascists, but it’s nothing but image. They were heavily involved in Charlottesville.
McInnes is the bridge between the Congressional GOP and the assorted brownshirt thugs.
Is that why it rains regularly? Sounds remarkably similar to why we have meteor showers; Earth travels through rock cloud, meteorite storm. Earth travels through water cloud, aka “fluffy comets”, rain storm.
Perfectly logical. I’m in.
An awful lot of libertarians, sadly, only care about their liberties; they’re all right with big, oppressive, intrusive government being used to put Those Other People (who are frequently brown) in their place.
I don’t think someone creates a group like the Proud Boys if they’re only an opportunistic grifter.
He’s certainly quick to squirt squid ink, claiming to be against the very things he’s been heavily promoting.
They’ve all worked overtime to inonculate themselves—no matter how much rancid Islamophobia and violent misogyny, homophobia, immigrant-bashing, and racial stereotyping they traffic in. The alt-lite broke with the alt-right after Spencer’s more overt fascism tarnished the brand, well before Charlottesville. McInnes and company have made themselves experts at “virtue-signaling”: Denouncing the Nazis and decrying violence while continuing to spread the white nationalist message that, in McInnes’s pet phrase, “The West Is Best.”
Call yourself “lite,” virtue-signal like mad, and the fact that your greatest YouTube hits include the likes of “10 Things I Hate About Jews” fades into irrelevance. Let the alt-right call you a “cuck”—it only helps the cause. Let the left call you a “Nazi”—even better. McInnes constantly invokes the “either Nazi-or-not” strategy to make himself look “mainstream.” Whenever his ilk is being called out by the left, they’re being labeled as “Nazis.”
The truth is, there is no “Alt-Lite”. It’s just the same guys positioning themselves on a gradient to gradually lure the frog into a pot and cook it.
More correctly it’s “liberty for me (and those like me) and servitude for you”. By those laughable standards Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were libertarians.
I wish that the concept of libertarian-socialism (the original libertarianism) didn’t break the brains of so many people. Actual liberty for everybody, not might makes right.
Yeah, most self-styled “libertarians” just seem to be the same old right wing nuts who just don’t care as much about legislating Jesus into everyone’s lives. Except the Paul clan, of course.
Yeah, I guess that’s the vibe I got. The stories of theirs I’ve seen seemed well-made and informative but there was this undercurrent of “yeah, look at us. we’re pretty badass, right?”
“Documentary Now!” (an awesome mockumentary TV show by Fred Armisen and Bill Hader) had an awesome episode that was a spoof on Vice. The running joke was their cool disregard for mortal danger. Pretty great.
An opportunist would have toed the line at Vice and stayed there. An opportunist would not have antagonized everybody around him and gotten kicked out of his own successful media company. Gavin McInnes didn’t need racism and sexism to get rich. He was already getting rich. He chose racism and sexism OVER wealth and status.
Oh, I have no doubts of his racism. I tagged him as an opportunistic grifter for stoking a segment of the population’s fear for profit and to push his racist agenda. For that, I find him twice as despicable. I hate the boldness of the grifters these days in the Trump era (see also: Dana Loesch and the NRA, Jim Bakker and his Survival End Times soup).