FBI Director says Trump may have been hit by shrapnel, not bullet

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/25/fbi-director-say-trump-may-have-been-hit-by-shrapnel-not-bullet.html


It’s true that in the big scheme of things it doesn’t really matter if the injury was caused directly by the bullet or not. But if it was indeed shrapnel, what kind of shrapnel would it be? Surely they know by now what nearby objects were hit with bullets, right? So was it the podium, a microphone, or what?


I suppose you’re right that it doesn’t matter in “the big scheme of things.”

However, if it could be proven it was shrapnel, that fact would deflate to some degree Tromp’s heroic posturing, his ridiculous strutting about having taken a bullet for the American people and so on.


It’s a little surprising that the right wing gun nuts didn’t chime in about the AR-15 and 556. Because they’ve told me so many times that it tumbles and does a lot of damage at range. That getting a little nick from one is simply not possible, and that the movies always get it wrong.


Yeah, it would hopefully end the “I took a bullet for you” like “I am Jesus Christ and died for your sins” bullshit. I could go forever without hearing that shit again.


I mean, they’ll just say that the deep state is lying, though. They’ve settled on their narrative and the hardcore are unlikely to believe anything else but that.

A better way to deflate Trump would be to go out and vote for Harris in record numbers…


There’s momentum right now I haven’t seen, and felt, since Obama started rolling (after Palin was announced as McCain’s running mate).

I have indifferent/negative family members who just want to talk about how much they like her.


Let’s hope that anecdata turns into votes!

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek


This. “I took a sliver for you!” just doesn’t have the same ring.

If he had been humble and moved on like a professional leader, if he had shown a modicum of care for the family of his slain follower and the injured, none of this would matter. But, to quote Billy Joel, he had to be a big shot, he had to play to the crowd.

That makes this relevant and fair game for criticism if it turns out he was coincidentally bit by a mosquito at the time of the shooting.


We need to be prepared for disinfo from Russian sources flooding the scene. Already seeing some “Harris is really responsible for Gaza” shit.


At some point there will be photos leaked of the injured ear; I’m certain there were photos taken so a plastic surgeon could assess the reconstructive work they would need to do. An injury that small will heal in 7-10 days at worst so dRumpf’s going to have to take the performative bandage off sometime soon.


I agree with what others said, that on one hand it doesn’t matter in that he got shot at and was narrowly missed.

But on the other hand, it’s just another example of lack of transparency and will be exaggerated as time goes on and used as propaganda.

My two cents? Given there has been photos recently where there isn’t a scab or discoloration - I think he got nicked by some shrapnel. (Echoed by earlier reports it was teleprompter glass). A tiny sliver of glass, plastic, or metal nicked his ear. They plucked it out with tweezers and applied pressure until the bleeding stopped. Any wound on the head is going to bleed a lot.

Had it been a bullet graze (not a pierce or a clip/nick) I’d expect it to basically be an abrasion. There should be a scab at the very least and given his age, I would think there would be skin discoloration. At least I’ve noticed that with myself as I get older that abrasions take forever (and some times never fully) to return to regular skin color. Some actually are dark purple and lasts for MONTHS (Over a year on one) to fade away. TBC, I am far, far away from the camp this was staged or somehow fake blood.

TL;DR - Armchair doctoring, I just think had it been a graze you would still see evidence of healing. A small nick by a sliver of something would be less likely to leave evidence.


He never has to take that bandage off. It’s just another prop to keep the cult happy


Oh of course! But this thread isn’t about that. :person_shrugging:


He’s already taken it off.


“The shoe is the sign. Let us follow His example. Let us, like Him, hold up one shoe and let the other be upon our foot, for this is His sign, that all who follow Him shall do likewise.”


Yeah, exactly. Suddenly he’s not the guy who “took a bullet” (however grazingly), but someone who wasn’t even close to taking one. Which is why he’ll never reveal any details.

Record-breaking youth voter registration just after the announcement, I read.

“I got randomly hit by some stray debris for you!”

And I don’t see even the remnants of a bullet wound… bold choice on his part.


whatever would be most humiliating, of course

He’s a bad guy, so it’s physically impossible that he could have been hit by the good shrapnel :thinking:


If you brought this up with his followers, I wonder if they’d attribute it to a miracle or somehow flat out deny it happened while simultaneously praising him for his bravery and service to the country? :thinking: