FBI Director says Trump may have been hit by shrapnel, not bullet

It doesn’t matter, at all, but if his gun-worshiping supporters think it matters we shouldn’t be above using that against him. If it can be proven their Orange Emperor wasn’t anointed by the Holy Bullet but just by some random bit of debris that wasn’t designed purely to kill, it will definitely dent his reputation.


“He’s so manly and virile, with such a powerful constitution, he heals almost instantly from even bullet wounds!”



I’ll be honest. If he hadn’t been bleeding immediately, I’d have thought maybe he’d been bladed (wrestling term for giving/getting a superficial cut to make it look good). But that would probably be a bit too far down the conspiracy hole.


This is very true. Because it was an assassination attempt. Bullet, shrapnel, angry weasel under the podium; someone tried to kill him and he was injured in the process.

What I find interesting is that my news feed has already moved on from the incident, this being the only story related to it. I chalk it up to Harris’ entry into the race sucking out the oxygen from the story, as well as Cheetolini’s shocking mishandling of the political messaging around the incident. He made it all about him and his virility. No stories about him consoling the family of the person killed during the attempt. No stories about him visiting the people injured. Just some self aggrandizement at the RNC convention, and inability to turn a horrific event into an inspirational moment, even as pure BS.


… are we SURE it was the REAL TRUMP :crazy_face:


At the risk of being ridiculed again, I posit that everyone is making the assumption that TFG was the target. There is no evidence that the shooter was aiming at TFG.

One thing I’d like to hear is what other searches did this shooter make? He searched for political figures (TFG, Biden, and others); did he also search for non-political large events (Taylor Swift concert? Nearest State Fair?).

We’ll likely never know, since everyone (as in FBI, SS, media) made the assumption TFG was the target.


It’s possible, but unlikely because it requires convoluted preconditions to the shooting.

If the shooter was targeting someone else, he’d have to know in advance that his target was going to the rally, and would have to know where the victim would be seated, which happened to be near (behind?) Drumpf, as opposed to milling around somewhere in the faceless crowd.

Additionally, the shooter would have to have decided that the best way to kill their intended target was to sneak an AR-15 past security, climb up on a roof, and shoot the victim in a venue swarming with police and USSS agents, as opposed to, say, down the street from the victim’s home or work where there is no security, no witnesses, and the shooter would have a clearer and closer shot anytime they wanted.

If he was looking to cause mass casualties, he could have just kept spraying bullets indiscriminately, which doesn’t seem to be the case here. Maybe the police got to him before he could squeeze of more than a few shots? But there are softer targets he could choose: an outdoor concert, a county fair, a picnic, a crowded building. Instead he chose a venue that would theoretically have the tightest security possible.

Certainly shooters often have deranged fantasies of how their mayhem and carnage will go down, and bizarre internal rationales for their actions, sometimes left behind in manifestos or diaries. That could be the case here. It could also be that he wanted to kill his victim(s) but distract law enforcement by having them think it was an assassination attempt.

But honestly, that’s more the plot of a Hollywood blockbuster than what probably happened here. If it turns out the shooter was after someone else or just wanted to kill a bunch of random people, I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong, and will stoically take my “told you so” lumps as I am just an armchair detective. But I believe the simplest answer is probably the correct answer: the shooter for whatever reason decided to try to assassinate Drumpf when he learned cheetoloni was coming to town.

(Eta: address mass shooting angle)


There are no shortage of good conspiracy theories at the lunch table. The favourite one I’ve heard so far was that the president’s earpiece was modified by the secret service to include a teeny tiny explosive charge. Of course, that would require presidents to wear an earpiece…


The FBI says it’s unclear just what hit Tromp, but never mind, The Fucking NY Times has it all figured out!

Thank the God of Bullets that the Fucking NY Times has found a way to keep their hero on his pedestal.


Although you deleted your post, I agree that @csilvest raises a good point about not jumping to conclusions, which I admit jumping to. I was trying not to ridicule or condescend to them, as shooter’s motives are often not “rational” compared to the motivations of people I normally encounter.

I am just trying to apply Occam’s razor to the situation based on my limited experience and expertise and interpretation of our politically volatile time. Based on this, I think an assassination attempt is what most likely happened, though we won’t know for sure until after the investigations are done.


Um… yeah, there is (like the fact that he had searches on his phone about Trump rallies, etc). I don’t think he was doing it in order to go after Trump necessarily (he didn’t seem to have a specific political motive), he wanted to engage in a mass causality event that would throw things into chaos. I think he WAS aiming at Trump, missed, shot someone else (several people) and was planning to use the bombs in his car.

In other words, he’s another Columbine copycat, it looks like. He just did it at a political rally, not a school. :woman_shrugging:

From what we’ve seen so far, that was most likely, but he did seem to be targeting high profile people across the political spectrum.

Sure, but from what I’ve seen, it seems likely he was out to go down in a blaze of glory here…


Trump has posted about it, and clearly he is pissed or doth protest too much.
“…and hit it hard.”
What a silly embellishment.


… the simplest explanation is obviously that Shooter Boy missed Trump by several feet and then a Secret Service agent accidentally shot Trump in the ear after having loaded his or her service weapon with glass shards that morning


Have they weighed all the possibilities?


If it’s in Ohio, those chickens might have had shards of bone in them!


Can’t wait for this to get repackaged as “G-d shattered the bullet.”


Your choice, Mr. Trump: The photos or your tax returns.


FBI says Trump was indeed struck by bullet during assassination attempt

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly two weeks after Donald Trump’s near assassination, the FBI confirmed Friday that it was indeed a bullet that struck the former president’s ear, moving to clear up conflicting accounts about what caused the former president’s injuries after a gunman opened fire at a Pennsylvania rally.

“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the agency said in a statement.

The statement from the FBI marked the most definitive law enforcement account of Trump’s injuries and followed ambiguous comments earlier in the week from Director Christopher Wray that appeared to cast doubt on whether Trump had actually been hit by a bullet.

The comment drew fury from Trump and his allies and further stoked conspiracy theories that have flourished on both sides of the political aisle amid a dearth of information following the July 13 attack.