FBI releases declassified #GamerGate dossier

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The irony is that video game writing has, from the very start, been incredibly chock-full of ethical problems - massive conflicts of interest and outright payoffs by game publishers, and the Germergoat types were fine with it all. The few thoughtful outlets that actually tackled those issues were ironically the ones that Gamertaints went after (for being thoughtful, essentially). So ultimately, no, anyone who is tackling the ethical issues - by actually addressing the actual issues, not just shouting “ethics in gaming journalism!” to hide their true agenda - is going to continue to be fine, because Germergoat’s activities bore little resemblance to addressing ethical conflicts. Except that anyone really dealing with ethics in gaming journalism will probably still have reactionary trollies hassling them.

Fixed that for you. Let’s not beat around the bush - the Gamergate movement is part of the same reactionary movement as the “alt-right” and hard-core Trumpism, the rise of Europe’s hard-right political parties, etc.


OMG, yes. I got so sick and tired of people minimizing threats and going, “If the threat is credible, you should call the police. It’s just people having fun!”


I thought it was about gaming journalism in Essex!


Yeah, these guys were only threatening the lives of women and children. No biggie.


Wait - a “glorious winged faggot extraordinaire” is surely not a bad thing. I’d love to be called that!

Shows the insecurity of some people, I guess.


Yeah-- I liked the old days when the redactions were just electronic layers that optically obscured the fully searchable text beneath.


Damn you Gurularry!

Who incidentally has covered actual ethical failings of game companies and journalism, such as Drivergate.

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Sure they had to check out threats to see if they were viable or not, but as part of the investigation they would have had to wade through all of the shit and whining and “Actually its…” posts to nail down who said what and figure out who broke what laws.

That is what I as poking fun at, the bulk of the job which would be grown men and women having to sift through dreck and deal with the man babies such the exchange mentioned above.


Thank you! Both for supporting them and also for making me laugh.

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Ah, now I understand…thanks for clarifying!

Unfortunately, it’s similar for all the other types of threats: can you imagine what dreck they have to wade through with the white supremacist terrorists’ social media?


One of the threats mentioned “over 9000 bombs”. I bet the perps thought that was funny.


People who minimize this shit are people who have never been really threatened.


Just because you’d like that doesn’t mean others would.

PDFs are NOT unsearchable, unless your reader blows goats. Using Foxit, I can search the docs easily.


I have no use for the neandertrolls (no printable ones), but I’m disappointed that Feminist Frequency’s Form 990 for 2015 is very overdue. That promised to be entertaining reading.

Your take-away from a campaign of terror which necessitated FBI intervention is: did the victims fill out their tax form correctly?


One of them, because it was a big ugly mess with far more than the single alt-right attackers and victims dimension. There were threats and personal harassment all around, and opportunists too.