FDA warns bakery that “love” is not a common ingredient

Jeebus, that’s NSFW! 0_0

Have something a little tamer. : )

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I’ve eaten there quite a number of times. I’ve been in plenty of questionable eating establishments in my lifetime and this is not one of them. Whatever the FDA is babbling about with “unsanitary products”, it’s reaching as far as this place goes.


What are you talking about? I don’t hear a single dirty word in there at all: I just want to bust myths and race sharks. :slight_smile:


you should go off half cocked in your own way. Uniformity is not a strength around here.


Did you read the FDA complaint? They were pretty specific about the problems they observed and they did seem pretty signifigant. Did you visit the kitchen during your times there?


Welcome to Boing Boing…


My apologies, should have been ‘uninformed’. No, let me try that again… Hey, I spelled it in my own way! Don’t make me uniform like you! Was that better?

Uniformity is a good property in a bakery especially when it has to do with actually cleaning out containers before using them. Also, stacking containers inside of other containers transfers the dirty outside of one to the presumably clean interior of another. Now you have twice the chance of contamination.


Oh! I misunderstood the first line in the sample for * something other than * meaning he wanted to share his snackfood. :wink:

*edited for clarity

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You mean when Lennon said “all you need is love”, he wasn’t talking about that in terms of sustenance?

ETA: While I agree in principle that this is really a silly thing for the FDA to complain about, I’d rather not see cutesy non-ingredient things in ingredients lists. I much prefer actual things like butylated hydroxytoluene, maltodextrin, ethylene glycol, potassium bromate, monosodium glutamate, azodicarbonamide, potassium nitrate, and of course, carmine.


Umm, no. I’ve been here for a long time Melizmatic, going back to their earliest days as a website. Just didn’t realize it had logged me in on the wrong account

Would you like me to unwelcome you, then?


Of course I didn’t visit the kitchen willmore. I’m just saying that place has been open a long time, it’s got a stellar reputation, everyone in the neighborhood eats there (and those of us not in the immediate neighborhood make the trip to visit), and whatever the FDA observed might be true on inspection, but isn’t true in actuality for their customers.

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After reading the FDA warning letter, I don’t care whether love is an ingredient or not… the list of stuff they did, or failed to do, or shouldn’t have done is substantial. Should I ever be tempted to purchase any of their products during my travels in the northeast, I’ll take the safe route and avoid them all together.

By focusing on the “love” angle instead of just letting the whole issue rest, the bakery is treading on the dangerously thin ice atop Lake Streisand Effect.


Ahh, cover your ears and say na-na-na-na-na-na, okay.

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The list of ingredients is(should be) a different thing than the list of procedures used in turning the ingredients into bread. If they wanted to tell us about the bread making procedure, and if that procedure included the word “love”, it would at least make sense to me.

And if someone who loves me were to be this careless in making my food, I might still love them back, but from a safe distance, and never while eating. Yuck!


The amount of denial of physical reality here is shocking. The customers were eating potentially unsanitary food. That is as real for them as the FDA. They may not have been aware of it. This is the exact reason we have the FDA do inspections.


The real story here may be the health code violations, but I have to say, whining because the FDA told you to stop being cute with your ingredients list is pretty shitty too. On the more minor note, the products may indeed be made with love. They may also be made with bowls, mixers, ovens, and a whole host of other things. These are methods of preparation, not ingredients.

The non-pedantic, and thus more major issue, is that it’s the god damn ingredients section. It’s important. Some people rely on it. Even if your addition is harmless, just don’t fuck around with the ingredients section. The fact that people thought it was okay to play with the ingredients section tells me they aren’t taking food safety and proper labeling seriously, and the fact that they were apparently mixing products that were sold as “non-dairy” in a bowl with bits of pepper-jack stuck to the edges indicates that this is, indeed, the case.


BURRRRRN :laughing:


Nashoba valley represent!


The kind you clean up with a mop and bucket?