generally when he tells someone they’re doing a good job it’s because he’s going to fire them over twitter later
How is that even a defense? “Yes I delivered those meals late, but the REAL reason they terminated the contract is that the meals were also cold!”
My favorite part is how she calls herself “Dr.” because she got a PhD from an online diploma mill LOLOLOL
Never underestimate the power of low standards.
This seems to be a strangely consistent theme with the disaster aid for Puerto Rico…
I created an account simply so I could like this comment.
She met the only qualifications needed by this corrupt and pandering regime: “I can do it at the lowest cost because my partner is Jesus.”
This may be the closest thing I’ve ever done to breaking a hymen.
Too bad she didn’t just outsource it to Amazon. (Alibaba and BangGood don’t ship food.)
Right. We’l arrest him instead.
Or, we could give vigilante justice a shot. Just saying…
If you guessed that her doctorate came from a for-profit online diploma mill, you are correct!
Her LinkedIn page ( claims she earned a doctorate of “Public Administration; Nonprofit Management and Leadership” in 2009 from Walden University (
I believe that tRump’s favorite word for people who look like her is a bit less friendly than “Browny”…
(and yes, I get the Dubya joke, but…)
Hey it’s US Gov. contracting, as long as the box is checked you’re good to go.
Hey man, not all BPD sufferers are monsters, though this one clearly has a narcissistic or dysfunctional empathic co-morbidity.
And while borderline isn’t curable, using the Linehan method it can be treated effectively. It just takes ages (5-10 years).
Maybe that’s what needs to happen, in some cases.
Then again, that’s fascism too, right? The private entity pushing it’s will upon the public with illegitimate power.
For instance, super heroes are inherently fascistic, both because of the aforementioned reason, and because they never challenge the reasons that created their social niche in the first place.
As a nondualist, I am OK with this dichotomy.
As someone who has several years in Federal Government contracting, I would about bet my last dime that her appeal will be unsuccessful. I’d be surprised if they didn’t literally laugh her out of court! Like most people reading this, I’m floored at the fact that, despite having a piss poor performance history, she’s been successfully racking up the contract awards! As a Contracting professional, this says volumes to me about my peers who handled these acquisitions-gone-way-bad. And it ain’t saying good things. You can be sure that heads are gonna roll behind this one! I wouldn’t be surprised if the Contracting Officer in this latest incident no longer holds a Warrant.