FEMA gave woman a $156 million for 30 million meals for Puerto Ricans. She delivered 50,000

Welcome to the community!

Unfortunately stuff like this seems to be a recurring problem, both with Puerto Rico relief and FEMA in general.


What the hell is a beverage delivery app? Do they Uber Coke to you?


in regard to Trumps leadership appointments a FEMA et al

When Trump appoints his people, he’s not sending us the best. He’s not sending us. He’s not sending us. He’s sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Welcome to BBS. I’m not even being sarcastic this time.

@Maria_Isabel: While we understand your justifiable anger at the federal government, I implore you to go read this site’s FAQ and Terms of Service before you get yourself flagged right off the comment board.


Has she considered running for president? She seems qualified.

Jesus actually managed to do it though.


Your point about Puerto Rico being an inherent part of the African diaspora was spot on.


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