Feral Peacocks terrorize Canadian neighborhood

Ah, no. My browser wasn’t displaying it

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I blame golf courses.

This seemed irrationally funny to me. The whole reply was pretty primo, but ‘bringing honks’ … still giggling.


I’m on a [small] island in BC, and we have feral peafowl as well as feral turkeys. Despite best efforts to publicly shame those idjits who feed them (and feed the deer, jeezuz don’t get me started), it still happens. Happily, this being Canada’s polite version of the Wild West, the populations of both appear to ahem drop in the fall every year, thus resulting in a relatively stable population of both. And a bunch of free, wild food.

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Shouldn’t that be “The situation is only going to get shittier” ?

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Change that to cats, because working dogs make the geese scurry.
Seriously, there’s a couple I know who have a business using rescued “vicious” dogs to chase off geese from golf course and business parks. After 3 or 4 visits by the dogs, the geese stay away.

(“vicious” = pit bull types, German Shepherd types, and other large working dogs. It’s pretty amazing how happy and content these dogs get when they have a job do.)


RIGHT ON! Always ‘steer into the skid’!

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Well done, Wild West of the Canadas which happens to be pretty together on the reuse of animal industries. Menace with bands of fine grown birch weave and …so wear the feather stuff after treating it, not counting just dissolving them into a polyethylene process, or not?




I was just thinking this story sounds like it needs someone to “let the dogs out.”


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