
:heart_decoration: :purple_heart: :heart_eyes_cat: I’m using the jar lid, lightly (very lightly) screwed on. I’ve got my fingers crossed not to have any issues this time around but I probably won’t do it this way again. I just couldn’t remember the second thing I needed when I placed my last online order. :heart_eyes_cat: :purple_heart: :heart_decoration:

Seems to be working fine for the youtuber I’m watching but I don’t like fretting over the health of my symbiotic bacteria colonies. :worried: Worse come to worse, I’ll just have to do it again. Which I’d have to do whether it was a success or failure because food is for eating. :laughing:

I’m finding it weird going back to read Philosopher’s Stone for the first time in years and seeing all these things I’d forgotten about. I haven’t even gotten to the Hogwarts Express yet. :laughing: But I have been reading in between kitchen, laundry, and sauerkraut processes.

I only just figured out my new Kindle supports Open Dyslexic font. I’ve already read two books on it the hard way. :massage:

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