🔫 Firearms: Why own them? Why ban them?

I will try to reply everything as I can, but I am going to try to be productive today. So maybe tonight…

However, this was posted in the original thread and I wanted to respond.

Ugh - no. Restrictive access is great if you are trying to keep your company servers secure, or keep your child safe, but as for how to run the government or really any thing for the “public” it is a horrible idea.

If we ran say the internet like that, there would be no Darknet, no encryption community, no EFF, the ability to control dissenters and public opinion would be akin to North Korea or China.

Your attitude smacks of elitism and honestly is the attitude I can’t stand from many “liberals” (Note, not saying you are necessarily liberal, nor that all liberals share the following viewpoint). They know better than you what is good for you, they decide what you can and can’t do/should and shouldn’t be allowed to do. Of course when you are the “administrator” the rules don’t apply to you. (Note conservatives do the same things on certain issues as well.)

This sort of thinking leads to authoritarianism, not liberty. Every dictator starts out thinking if everyone just followed their simple rules there would be peace and order. And honestly, I can see how one would think something like this would work. In High School I wrote a paper on how to create the perfect Empire. It solved things like religious and cultural tensions. Well, at least in theory. Odds are what works well on paper doesn’t work well IRL.